Example sentences of "it [vb past] [adv] [vb pp] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The ghost of his burning ; an ugly mask-fire , fear and evil-a mark that had spread across his face ; it had not covered him completely .
2 It had not taken her long to discover the team 's skills ran to more than mere mountaineering .
3 It had not taken her long .
4 It had not taken her long to realise that here was a vindictive old villain , bent on making her life as miserable as he possibly could .
5 The Villa Fiesole was a fairly big house and yet it had not taken him long to find the box .
6 It had not taken him long , Ashley thought wryly .
7 Its contract expired earlier this month , but last year an independent consultancy recommended California replace its existing system , it had already purchased it outright from G Tec for sixty million dollars .
8 But Adam had taken that line and it had n't done him much good .
9 Whatever the world had done to the little wide-eyed innocent who got eaten up by a bad wolf in the big city , it had n't taught her much .
10 And it had n't helped him much either .
11 While I was on the smack , it had n't bothered me much 'cos smack 's a good painkiller .
12 Well , it had n't taken him long to show his true colours !
13 It had n't taken them long , but she knew instinctively as they hurried into the hollow gloom of the station that they had missed yet another train .
14 It had n't taken her long to discover that they had nothing whatsoever in common .
15 Angelica reckoned that she was a reasonable judge of people — one could hardly be a nurse for twenty years without picking up one hell of a lot of insight — and it had n't taken her long to decide that Alina Peterson was either dead straight or very plausible .
16 Perhaps , but it had n't taken her long to work out what the boy really was .
17 It had n't taken her long to clear out her room at the nurses ' home this morning , and her father had come over at lunch to take several boxes of things back to his suburban home for storage .
18 Lindsey sank back into her seat , trying to digest the thought that that was precisely what she had been trying to do from the minute she had met him , and it had n't got her very far .
19 If her relationship with Tyler had brought her a deal of heartache , it had also brought her so much more .
20 I realized , in a way in which it had never struck me before , what a need there was for Black people ( naturally ) to see themselves as in the image of their God , and their God as in their image .
21 It was probably only a rabbit , but it had still unnerved her slightly , and she pulled off the drive and parked on the grass .
22 He had tried to give her an injection but it had only made her more hysterical .
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