Example sentences of "it [adv] for [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Again , the tendency towards progressive improvement in gazelles would slow to a halt , were it not for the parallel tendency to improvement shown by their predators .
32 This would not matter , were it not for the apparent demise of the Liberals , who used to hold the balance in the Bundestag and whose defection brought down Helmut Schmidt 's government in October .
33 Hot off his guest appearances with the Levellers on the New Model Army tour , his solo set could almost share a bed with blues singers were it not for the updated landscapes : from illegal bare-knuckled boxers and the closing of the mines to adventures in Hackney dole office , all delivered with a street-urchin charm that visibly shocks the one or two tweeders who 've mistaken tonight for a ‘ folk ’ evening .
34 Hot off his guest appearances with the Levellers on the New Model Army tour , his solo set could almost share a bed with blues singers were it not for the updated landscapes : from illegal bare-knuckled boxers and the closing of the mines to adventures in Hackney dole office , all delivered with a street-urchin charm that visibly shocks the one or two tweeders who 've mistaken tonight for a ‘ folk ’ evening .
35 Even though it was unsupported by evidence , the conclusion would have been allowable were it not for the second piece of information contained in the warning message .
36 You might fear an element of sanctimoniousness here , were it not for the certain knowledge that McIlvanney is probably even harder on himself .
37 Mr Museveni would have been unable to stay in power were it not for the economic success unfolding around him .
38 Were it not for the narrow strip of tar , I would have been stuck hopelessly — several times I was bogged down when the wind blew me off the road .
39 Indeed the most dramatically powerful scene could be painfully sentimental were it not for the fierce intensity with which Tom Fleming expresses his feelings .
40 Also the proportion of rods to spinelets varies to the exclusion of spinelets which would lead to confusion with O. densa were it not for the different number of arm spines , the proximal spines forming a fan and the raised oral frame .
41 Perhaps these people feel , as do members of the local communities , that the coastline would not be in such urgent need of ‘ protection ’ were it not for the imminent threat of creation of a housing development , larger than the existing village of Dirleton , adjacent to it .
42 Lewis might almost have been amused by the exchanges thus far , were it not for the heavy burden of the news he was bearing .
43 Some forms ( Turrilites ) adopted the helical spire , and were it not for the obligatory suture lines it might be possible to mistake these species for large gastropods .
44 mhm Well I mean this obviously is a decision is it not for the military commanders ?
45 No mean problem , this , in a time largely deafened to such sober music , and were it not for the incomparable examples of Spenser and Milton , he might finally have despaired ; but what they in their day had achieved for their grave themes ought ( he had long believed ) to be possible for the richer store of myth and symbol at his disposal ; and now the lines had begun to move with the majesty he desired .
46 Encased in pile and nylon , hoods drawn tight , it would be easy to forget the world in a welter of sensations , were it not for the running commentary that Tove keeps up .
47 Many of these interactions could be made automatic were it not for the basic need for a human presence for the social/ economic reasons mentioned above and because the human operator has to act as the ultimate back-stop when things go badly wrong .
48 It is quite possible that a number of other political changes would have got under way more recently were it not for the direct intervention of Pope John Paul II and the Vatican .
49 Were it not for the extreme aggression that subsequently erupts when the males come too close to one another , superfecundation would undoubtedly be even more common than it is , but some males will never dare to risk a mating with a dominant tom-cat watching from nearby .
50 Kurtag is Ligeti 's opposite — a divergent musical thinker whose every new work might be by another composer , were it not for the extreme compression that is constant to his style .
51 Dropped in , blindfolded , you could have been forgiven for thinking you were in Surrey were it not for the unmistakable twang of the Ulster accent .
52 One would not be so sensitive about a little natural arrogance in a powerful nation ( a fault from which other powerful nations suffer as well ) were it not for the disastrous effect of the German consciousness of having a ‘ mission ’ in the past .
53 Otherwise , Kovacevich was well wide of the mark and if he respects this work he might contemplate putting it away for a few years before reconsidering its interpretation .
54 Endill thought it over for a few moments .
55 It 's a wonderful opportunity , please do n't discard it out of hand because of pride or pique , just think it over for a few days and let me know your decision when you are ready . ’
56 This seems quite difficult at first , but you should soon be able to weave more quickly as you find out when you move your hand to release the yarn ready to lay it over for the next row .
57 Dip this end into hormone rooting powder while it is still moist from the cut so that some powder adheres , shake or tap off the surplus and lay it aside for a few minutes while the others are being prepared .
58 Seeing it yesterday for the first time , she had reflected that great tact would have to be employed for two women to share quarters this size .
59 Now I 'm gon na turn it off for a little while until everyone starts having a proper conversation .
60 If you know you can not deal with an upsetting confrontation , try to put it off for a short while until you feel calmer .
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