Example sentences of "it [modal v] [not/n't] [be] because [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If they say no , it might not be because they do n't like the sound of it but because their lists are already full and they are unable to take on any more .
2 It could n't be because I am , I suppose ? ’
3 She had been right to say it was people like that who do terrible things , and if Timothy Gedge did do terrible things it would not be because he was different and exotic but because he was possessed of an urge to become so .
4 No , it wo n't be because they do n't do the , they do n't do an open afternoon if it 's a championship
5 ‘ But if I take the job , ’ she blurted , goaded by the idea that he found her lack of sophistication amusing , ‘ it wo n't be because I like the house .
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