Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] [be] [that] some " in BNC.

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1 It may even be that some ingredients were added from outer space , brought by meteorites .
2 It may well be that some accountant has shown the society a loophole through which it can escape the obligations laid upon it at its foundation in 1914 .
3 Yet if many of the toxic chemicals that animals possess have evolved in order to aid survival , either by predation or protection , it may well be that some of these compounds could assist our own survival .
4 In so far as society is divided into different interests , of which labour and capital are the prototypical examples , it may well be that some interests have more control than others over the development of representations which accord to their perspective and thus their interests .
5 In that process , it may well be that some of those concerned in the management of the company , and others as well , have been guilty of some misconduct or impropriety which is of relevance to the liquidation .
6 Mr Lang now says : ‘ It may well be that some of the assumptions that Touche Ross made will be less relevant when the final decisions are taken .
7 Now it may well be that some people will transfer from S I S into B S G , I do n't know yet , erm
8 It may well be that some of them regret having made the decision .
9 It might well be that some of them had work as servants , or in agriculture — but there would be strong competition for the latter , for quite apart from the regular farm labourers there were a considerable number of workmen not as fully employed at the mine as perhaps they would have wished .
10 It could just be that some of us get married to creatures that fit that description , so perhaps there 's a mysterious kind of genetic memory involved here .
11 It could well be that some of the summit surfaces of the Hercynian blocks are Eogene pediplains , while the weathering responsible for the formation of tors may have been tropical weathering of the same date .
12 In any case , it could well be that some students have no interest at all in certain idioms and prefer to by-pass them quickly in their search for what expresses their own aesthetic more closely .
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