Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] [be] [that] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It may even be that the indiscriminacy of some of the air operations in the Second World War will come to be seen as something of a historical aberration , and a mere temporary consequence of the undeveloped state of the arts of target acquisition and guidance .
2 It may even be that the coupon helped to limit the size of the Unionist victory and to prolong the life of the Liberal Party .
3 It may even be that the Eadwulf who challenged the accession of Osred , son of Aldfrith , in 704 , and whose son was with Wilfrid at Ripon at the time ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 59 ) ( see below , p. 146 ) , was of royal Deiran extraction .
4 Since the social class assessment is based on husband 's occupation , it may also be that the ‘ deviants ’ are more ‘ working class ’ or ‘ middle class ’ on several important dimensions than their class-categorization itself indicates .
5 It may also be that the aims and intentions of Penda and his allies were mixed .
6 It may also be that the limited review which the theory allows is unacceptable on policy grounds .
7 It may also be that the agent would be asked to advise on the cost , and , as with civil legislation , costs in parliamentary matters can in appropriate cases be taxed under the House of Commons Costs Taxation Act , 1847 , and the 1849 Act on similar lines for the House of Lords , the only difference in Scotland being that taxation is done by the Auditor of the Court of Session .
8 It may also be that the early returns from the voyages proved small , and that it was felt that investment in them did not provide an adequate reward for those involved .
9 Hopefully the new home which you are now considering as a prospective purchase will be suitable for your needs in every way , but it may well be that a need for some renovation or refurbishment is indicated from the surveyor 's report or that you will wish to make improvements or alterations of your own .
10 It may well be that a fairer test must await an examination of the poll tax over an entire electoral cycle .
11 It may well be that a particular piece of research needs to focus on selected people for information , and the information gained from them will be fitted together into a coherent and consistent pattern with virtually no percentages and significance tests at all .
12 Indeed it may well be that a claim for contribution in respect of exemplary damages is not within section 1(1) on the facts of this case , so that one never gets to section 2 in relation to such a claim .
13 In this case I would think that , if the minister does not act in good faith , or if he acts on extraneous considerations which ought not to influence him , or if he plainly misdirects himself in fact or in law , it may well be that a court would interfere ; but when he honestly takes a view of the facts or the law which could reasonably be entertained , then his decision is not to be set aside simply because thereafter someone thinks that his view was wrong …
14 It may well pass an act against it soon , it may well be that a lot of people from over there will get elected and you 'll get your bill , but then again it may not .
15 And it may well be that an equal share of interest does n't achieve the best result .
16 If a piece of music is frenetic and forceful , it may well be that an interlude is a peaceful moment like the ‘ calm before the storm ’ .
17 So , despite his presentation of sceptical arguments against knowledge of the nature of things , Gassendi does , nevertheless , hint that ‘ it may well be that the basis for knowledge does exist ’ ; even though this will be ‘ a knowledge of experience and , I may say , of appearances ’ .
18 Corn was shipped along the Stroudwater canal to Oil Mill , although it may well be that the last half mile or so of the Painswick Stream was once navigable .
19 It may well be that the smaller powers benefit first from the new defensive technologies .
20 It may well be that the main cross-talk between cells involves specifying position .
21 It may well be that the rate will slip further with so many children failing to receive regular schooling .
22 It may well be that the ‘ ideal-type ’ , far from being ideally typical , actually represents very abnormal and atypical political conditions .
23 UNDER the improbable aegis of Ronald Reagan , who has never found occasion to say much good or bad about science during his long public career , it may well be that the American scientific community is headed for an economic boom .
24 It was some time after the construction of the capital 's tramway system , and it may well be that the true origins of the tale lay in a superstitious dread of this foreign technology .
25 It may well be that the sons of barons and knights jostled with Sceva and Ollo in the markets of the twelfth century ; and it is likely enough that there were more rich men 's sons than poor men 's sons wearing the alderman 's robes .
26 It may well be that the costs of change were underestimated or , indeed , left out of account altogether .
27 In the future , it may well be that the western interventionist-imperialists will be on the liberal-left , not the laissez-faire right .
28 It may well be that the canny consumer , after benefiting from retailers ' losing their nerve and going into early reductions in 1991 , was waiting for the same to happen again .
29 It may well be that the Jewish leaders did not consider the event to be a trial but more of an interrogation to see if there was enough evidence to take Jesus to the Roman Governor .
30 WITH THE ADVENT of the Professional Aviation Services Jet Prop DC-3 ( FP November , p52 ) , it may well be that the Dakota will see a resurgence in South Africa .
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