Example sentences of "it [modal v] [adv] do [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It should only do so if satisfied that the child has suffered , or is likely to suffer , significant harm leading to the need for a child protection plan .
2 Mr Gorbachev 's clear message was that the time had not yet come to abolish the party 's monopoly of power , but that it might well do so when a new political structure had been worked out , and the present economic crisis overcome .
3 It refused as it knew that it could not do so and survive at home .
4 And if in places it reads tendentiously or relies overmuch on rhetoric , it could hardly do otherwise than echo the tendentiousness and rhetoric of the terms of reference themselves .
5 It will not do so where the majority have acted in bad faith , or where class interests have not been properly identified and fairly represented ( see below ) , or where it can be demonstrated that the majority voted in favour of the scheme because of their interests as shareholders of another class or as creditors ( see Carruth v ICI [ 1937 ] AC 707 ) .
6 Our Higher Self is eager to give us a life full of love , joy , success and abundance ; but it will not do so until we say ‘ Yes ’ , and we keep turning our backs on it .
7 Thus polyisobutylene might be expected to crystallize because the chain is symmetrical , but it will only do so if maintained at an optimum temperature for several months .
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