Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 From Ho Chi Minh , however , it was a matter on which apparently no opinion was ever recorded and it may serve to illustrate the dangers to which communism in Vietnam was exposed when decisions and even understanding were subject to foreign direction .
2 I have made some tests , and it may help to give the results , though observers with keener eyes than mine will be able to do better .
3 It should aspire to reflect the processes of teaching , learning and schooling in order to educate judgements about the adequacy of educational provision and the quality of experience pupils have .
4 The kitchen clock whirred and struck three — that is , its hammer flailed the air three times , having been bent by Mrs. Jordan , the cook , so that it would fail to strike the chimes .
5 Indeed if we recall Dworkin 's own formulation of the principle of political equality which lies at the heart of his master-principle of equal concern and respect it would appear to support the criticisms just advanced .
6 If a hospital spent $110 , it would have to achieve the economies of its counterparts , or absorb the additional $10 internally .
7 It would help to hide the feelings that were too close to his skin .
8 While our discussion in this chapter is of the doctrine of neutrality as such , Rawls ' treatment of it will serve to illustrate the problems involved .
9 It will aim to explain the limits of scientific knowledge in any given area , and will be updated as issues change and facts emerge .
10 How long does the Secretary of State expect that it will take to complete the valuations and how long will it take to deal with householders ' objections to those valuations ?
11 Given that it will need to meet the costs of items such as :
12 If the ferret emerges it will try to reach the intestines and fall into the hole .
13 And finally , it will investigate — as far as possible — how the evacuees themselves perceived the whole business ; in other words , to adapt a phrase of E. P. Thompson 's , it will try to rescue the children from the enormous condescension of history .
14 We hope it will help to illuminate the problems the designer faces in trying to promote such changes by introducing new material .
15 It will help to understand the relationships if we consider again the diagram of the four-fold human being with its physical , emotional , mental and spiritual planes ; imbalances in these planes constituting the internal or inherited factors ; and the whole surrounded by-environmental influences , both beneficial and harmful ( Figure 10 ) .
16 President Peter Quinn today welcomed the sponsorship package and expressed the hope that it will help to enhance the leagues .
17 If America wants to bring a reconstruction bank into being , it will have to convince the Saudis and other Gulf states to cough up most of the money .
18 If it is to make good on Mr Bush 's hope that it may be possible to ‘ settle the conflicts that divide the Arabs from Israel ’ , it will have to convince the Israelis that they can be secure even shorn of the occupied territories .
19 It can help to reduce the risks of serious illness or death from heart disease , stroke and cancer .
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