Example sentences of "it [modal v] [verb] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If some acknowledgement of due service is required , it may have to retrace the path of the original documents .
2 In many cases , the state of destination will either accept the classification of the state of origin , or waive any right it may have to reject the document under Article 4 , or simply serve the document as an act of goodwill even if the Convention is regarded as not strictly applicable .
3 The regional council says that unless it gets guarantees about the money it wants to spend on a railway service now facing privatisation , it may have to switch the money to its own plans to upgrade Glasgow public transport .
4 NCube Inc , one of the small band of sturdy massively parallel processing pioneers , reckons that it may need to crash the entry price of its machines to popularise the concept , and last week announced the nCube 2E series , starting with just eight and going to 128 of the company 's proprietary processors , with an entry price of $30,000 .
5 CNAA and SCOTVEC have agreed in principle that , where an institution wishes to propose a package of linked courses leading to awards of SCOTVEC and CNAA , it may ask to have the package jointly validated by SCOTVEC and by CNAA ( in the case of a CNAA associated institution ) or by SCOTVEC and by itself ( in the case of a CNAA accredited institution ) .
6 It may help to improve the control guidelines , but not without a commitment to improve training for those who have to implement them .
7 It may help to improve the labour turnover figures by improving morale , though this is not certain .
8 It may help to refer the patient to other agencies ( e.g. social services , a psychosexual problems clinic , self-help groups ) .
9 If his head tends to drop forward towards his plate as he eats , it may help to put the plate on a raised block on the table to reduce the distance from plate to face .
10 PFK TIP : If in doubt about any toxic seepage from a material , it may help to filter the water heavily through charcoal before stocking any fish .
11 It may help to follow the process through the relevant NOSTRO accounts .
12 If , eventually , it becomes possible to increase productivity in this way , and such crop plants are developed on a large scale and for use in a wide variety of environments , it may help to reduce the impact of the enhanced greenhouse effect as well as increasing global food supplies .
13 So in general consumers should welcome new entrants to the credit market , not just because it widens their choice , but because it should tend to lower the cost of credit by sharpening competition .
14 It should help to induct the student not only into the field of study but the approach to studying .
15 Graham Ward , the Price Waterhouse partner on the Prudential audit and vice-chairman of the Institute 's Auditing Committee , says : ‘ The more efficient a company 's accounting function might be , the less time it should take to do the audit . ’
16 It should try to collect the information as cheaply as possible .
17 It must pay to reach the point at which the marginal benefit to one of you equals the marginal cost to the other .
18 The state lacks integrity because it must endorse principles to justify part of what it has done that it must reject to justify the rest .
19 The Arts Council is holding a special meeting in November to discuss the funding crisis ; it is thought that it might decide to cut the number of bodies receiving grant if more government money is not forthcoming .
20 ( 6.7 ) unc ( 6.8 ) unc The law for PAR takes into account the fact that , when a declaration is moved outside the constructor , the process that uses it must now declare the fact that it might want to use the variable declared .
21 Washington also contended that the grant of long-term credits to communist states in general was robbing the West of useful weapons with which it might hope to influence the conduct of both the USSR and China .
22 I also think he probably thought that it might help to ease the tension erm in Northern Ireland , whether it did or not I leave as an open debate and I do n't think there was just a single motive for President Clinton 's decision , but the one I was trying to demonstrate which was hit straight away was there was a domestic element , a des domestic political element in the decision .
23 At least it might help to mitigate the boredom .
24 At first it might help to retract the iron a little .
25 Though it stated its hope that planning authorities would allocate sufficient land , it warned that in some cases it might have to take the initiative and , if local authorities refused planning permission , go to appeal .
26 In the circumstances , the latter 's preference for Model B was understandable in that it might seem to offer the degree of financial and educational independence which their maturity now merited .
27 If it were left to itself the House of Commons could produce independent members in a way that would make the King 's Government impossible since it could refuse to grant the money needed to carry out his will .
28 Yes , it takes , it could take to get the skin sensitized
29 If primary care in Brazil can be improved it could help to narrow the health divide between rich and poor .
30 Two days later , following further investigations by the ANC , NOSC and SARFU into the Ellis Park controversy , the ANC formally and publicly stated it would continue to support the tour and the test between South Africa and the Wallabies at Cape Town .
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