Example sentences of "it [be] [vb pp] to have [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It may also be worth trying a herbal tea , called taheebo or pau d'arco — it is said to have anti-fungal properties , although this has not been verified scientifically .
2 So far 11 of the 24 parks have been established and it is hoped to have remaining areas protected by the end of 1994 .
3 We have not yet examined the implications of the structural or cost implications of this proposal in detail , but it is hoped to have preliminary drawings and outline cost estimates available prior to any Board Meeting called to discuss this issue .
4 It is considered to have aphrodisiac properties , and some believe it to have been the original ‘ forbidden fruit ’ and that the Seychelles were the site of the Garden of Eden .
5 It was decided to have two selectors who have made significant contributions to contemporary art ; one artist and one critic .
6 It was decided to have 250 sets , each consisting of four postcards , printed .
7 It was said to have two sets of strings only , at 8' pitch , and , on the evidence of its appearance , it was to be dated to the first quarter of the 18th century .
8 It was agreed to have further meetings on the issue in advance of the US-Russian summit planned for June in Washington .
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