Example sentences of "it [be] [verb] [to-vb] out [art] " in BNC.

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1 The heading for this section looks like a play on words , but it is intended to point out the fact that , while development control is one of the instruments by which planning policies are implemented , there are also policies relating to the actual operation of the control .
2 The choice will depend on the sale strategy ; however , if it is decided to set out the detailed procedures in the covering letter it is normal to include brief details in the information memorandum such as dates , KPMG contact staff , and a statement that direct contact should not be made with the management or staff of the business .
3 Finally , the staff of the clinic is completed by a social worker , whose role it is to try to sort out the non-medical problems that often go hand-in-hand with any infections .
4 Therefore it is proposed to carry out an assessment of your child 's needs under the Education Act 1981 with your agreement .
5 At the meeting it was decided to carry out a detailed analysis of the needs of each church 128 in all , of which fifty or so are of prime artistic interest and to calculate precisely the costs involved .
6 Two other modifications to the description resulted which were entered into LIFESPAN , and it was decided to carry out the quality approval .
7 To minimise any impact on the hotel operation during the modernisation of the lifts , it was decided to carry out the work on a lift by lift basis , with each lift being modernised within a 16 week period .
8 It was decided to throw out a friendly challenge to other parish councils .
9 Meanwhile the return of a Labour Government in 1974 had once again brought into question the status of Direct Grant schools , and it was announced in Parliament on 11th March that it was intended to phase out the system over a period of seven years , commencing in September 1976 .
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