Example sentences of "it [be] [verb] [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 I happened to believe that it was important that they protected this week in the international calendar for Britain , especially as in two or three years time , there is the possibility of it being moved to a time when , in theory at least , it ought to be easier to attract top players .
2 Erm but yeah but that 's one of er oh pass me pass me the thing I do n't actually when I think about it it 's getting nearer the time .
3 I mean that 's , at this time of year , when it 's coming to the time when people coming round with bargain barrels of biscuits
4 Accell/OO — or whatever it is called by the time it comes to market — will have full graphical and object-oriented functions , Unify says .
5 A great deal of importance is attached to planning and administration as it is seen as a time for problem-solving as opposed to task allocation .
6 You need to ask not only whether the actual care is specifically designed for that individual , but also whether it is given at a time that is chosen to suit the person , and possibly family and friends who may be involved .
7 The life span of a human skin cell from the time it is born until the time it is shed is just a few weeks .
8 It is true that the writing-up of a thesis may be its author 's first , and most difficult , exercise in scientific communication , and it is written at a time when the author may be scientifically immature , and lacking the communication skills which will develop later .
9 Secondly , a covenant simply to pay a sum of money , whether by way of insurance premium , compensation or damages , is a covenant capable of touching and concerning the land provided that the existence of the covenant , and the right to payment thereunder , affects the value of the land in whomsoever it is vested for the time being …
10 Well forgive me , the , the reason for that is , it was explained at the time if one 's going to defend the decision of where you 're going to put your roads , then you 've got in reality look at all them options ridiculous some they will be , whether they dig tunnels under the Orwell or knocking down Wordsworth Road I mean it 's all got to be looked at .
11 He submitted that it was reached at a time when the essential principles of the law of negligence were established and properly represented the result of the application of those principles .
12 It was given at a time of full employment and full employment persisted into the post-war world .
13 Of course this famous pamphlet was a much more practical political publication than The German Ideology and it was written at a time of tremendous political ferment .
14 Yeah but I , I think that 's the importance basically I mean reading through this it 's very easy to sort of in , in a way you know go , go to this point of view because it was written at the time , but I mean we , we still now that it was a very sort of say left wing point of view
15 We passed Cap Bon ( in the distance ) and Pantelleria , the latter at sea level — which was just as well as it was raining at the time , otherwise we might have missed it and also because we were told afterwards that there was an airfield there with Bf110s .
16 It was raining at the time .
17 It was raining by the time they stopped for the night .
18 One Russian paper , described as ‘ highly conservative ’ , contained a piece , some of which , it was said at the time , was barely capable of being rendered into printable English .
19 It was pressed at the time when Red Rhino were having their well documented financial troubles .
20 It was felt at the time that the upward movement was out of line with the underlying trend and the latest figures analysed by Reward suggest it has in fact been short-lived .
21 It was felt at the time that regional disparities would inhibit commitment by member states to such integration .
22 It was built at the time when local builders possessed that magic formula for rightness of scale .
23 What we had at Maastricht was old hat ; it was living in a time warp .
24 I mean , capital gains is liable to er a yearly review , you know , you 've an allowance for each year , and the capital gain is on the property on the value of the property from the time it was purchased to the time it was disposed .
25 It was thought at the time that the talks would result in some extension of the deadline .
26 It was reported at the time that ten or more navvies met their death fighting and falling from scaffolding as this tunnel is unusually high and was built to accommodate double tracks .
27 It was reported at the time that Yorkshire secretary J.H. Nash considered Fiddling inconsistent , although capable of brilliance .
28 It was known at the time that there was going to be opposition to them and it was an absolute recipe for debate after debate , council meeting after council meeting , committee meeting after committee meeting .
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