Example sentences of "it [conj] [verb] [pron] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 The post office was owned by two white-haired sisters , Annie and Lizzie , far out cousins of her own , and Annie stamped the envelope for her , postmarked it and dropped it in the calico bag on the counter .
2 And Hilderbridge lay in the sunshine , its slate roofs all turned to planes of silver , its spires sharp needles , as if a silversmith had made it and dropped it in the valley between the meadows and the moor .
3 ‘ If we want a lively and thriving democracy we have to enable people to have information in a way in which they can deal with it and use it in a way which enhances their understanding of the subject . ’
4 I can pick the cigar up just with my eye-power and push it and pull it in the air any way I want ! ’
5 An adult , by itself , will be hard-pressed to repel a determined attack on its young , but in a massed colony , outraged parents join together and surround an intruder in a cloud , shrieking angrily , diving on it and harrying it in a continuous attack .
6 Pinched some of my old Dad 's plum brandy and soaked raisins in it and left 'em in the clearing .
7 We 'll probably wait for some boring moment on the tour and go over it , collect it and put it in a book for posterity ! ’
8 Well , you take that out of the stream , take it home , bake it , powder it and put it in a box ; and you use oils with it the same as you do for the milch .
9 We have to get special stuff called bulb fibre and wet it and put it in a bowl and then we plant our bulbs in it . ’
10 If it is a real big son , great , we stuff it and put it in the front room .
11 I took the cheque , folded it and put it in the back pocket of my jeans .
12 She says that her husband suggested they buy it and put it in the bedroom !
13 In the chip shop we bought some fish out the fryer and put in the top and straight away got them bloody tongs picked it up and poured the bloody grease off it and put it in the bloody bag thought it was terrible .
14 However , jailing Shields for three months , Sheriff William Fulton told him : ‘ It is not so much a case of stealing from this house as plundering it , ransacking it and leaving it in an awful mess .
15 she 's walking the through it and stuffed them in the ground !
16 ‘ We were raided on Monday by customs with the specific intention of confiscating it and sticking it in a zoo somewhere , ’ he said .
17 It provokes an answer , anticipates it and structures itself in the answer 's direction . ’
18 She folded it and stood it in the comer behind the music centre .
19 In fact I suggest John Major snips it out , frames it and hangs it in the Cabinet room to remind himself and some of his more heartless colleagues of just how much Belinda and hundreds of other children need this wonderful hospital .
20 If you 're not going to fly , remove it and store it in a dry spot .
21 the gathering up of all this scattered craft knowledge , systematising it and concentrating it in the hands of the employer and then doling it out again only in the form of minute instructions , giving to each worker only the knowledge needed for the performance of a particular relatively minute task .
22 ‘ But , darling , why not part it and tie it in a knot under your chin ? ’
23 Date it and place it in the safe keeping of a bank manager or a solicitor ( although these professionals often do n't like doing this , as it is a lot of trouble ) .
24 It moves me playing it and it upsets me playing it , it 's very upsetting to play Alfie , because A he 's such a disastrous man as a person d you know you think oh god I do n't really wan na be playing this man for sixteen weeks but the part is so wonderful and the play is so rich that you ca n't help s sort of s submitting to it and putting yourself in the position of being a masochist I suppose .
25 ‘ Perhaps he touched it while helping her in the kitchen … putting the knives away ’
26 We saw in Chapter 1 that , in Britain , there is some dispute as to when rehabilitation began to make serious inroads into penal practice : Foucault saw it as manifesting itself in the rise of the prison as the dominant penal institution ; Garland puts it much later , in the early part of this century .
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