Example sentences of "it [verb] not been [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Current refinements , no doubt with Christmas present buying in mind , include boxed sets of three or more related cassettes from Warners — for example , all three of James Dean 's movies for £29.95 , or for the same price , Marilyn Monroe in The Prince and the Showgirl , The Misfits and ( a bit of a scoop , since it has not been on video before ) Some Like It Hot .
2 This runs through an existing tunnel , but it has not been in operation since 1970 .
3 It must have been clear to the Prussian government that if it had not been for government subsidy the Junker estates would have collapsed under their own weight long ago , but they were nevertheless incapable of striking at what they saw to be the basis and guarantor of their state and society .
4 Even his magnum opus , Perestroika , written in the summer of 1987 , contained the amazing notion in its first edition that ‘ if it had not been for collectivisation , we could have died from hunger in the war ’ .
5 The whole room , scented with the Christmas goose , seemed to glimmer with warmth and merriment and if it had not been for fear of distressing the children , Alexandra would have been happy to burst into tears .
6 Jack always saw Piggy as a burden and if it had not been for Piggy 's spectacles Piggy would have been even more hated by Jack .
7 It 's not been without pain and I pay tribute to our staff 's willingness to embrace the changes that we 've had to make .
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