Example sentences of "it [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 And nationalisation : that was great because it got rid of the old bosses .
2 It became entwined with the separate dispute with ASLEF over flexible rostering , which the board had announced would be introduced from July with or without agreement .
3 But if , without derogation of the Divine power , we may conceive the existence of such ministers , and personify them by the term ‘ Nature ’ , we learn from the past history of our globe that she has advanced with slow and stately steps , guided by the archetypical light , amidst the wreck of worlds , from the first embodiment of the Vertebrate idea under its Ichthyic [ fish-like ] vestment , until it became arrayed in the glorious garb of the human form .
4 John Rose set up the famous porcelain factory at Coalport in 1785 , and it became noted for the fine quality of its decoration and lavish gilding .
5 For a time it became known as the Old Mill , and later Mill House .
6 It became known as the Pleven Plan , named after the French premier , René Pleven , who took an outline drafted by his earlier mentor , Jean Monnet , and laid it before the French Parliament on 24 October 1950 .
7 The difficulty in transferring contracts arises because the basic rule is that the vendor can not be excused from the burden of its contractual obligations by assigning or otherwise purporting to transfer to the purchaser the obligation to perform the duties it has undertaken under a particular contract .
8 Crucial as this innovation may have been for co-ordination , it has contributed to an increased sense of ‘ distance ’ between policy makers and implementers in a policy system that operates primarily in a unified , top-down , manner .
9 I intended this to be a letter , but I see that it has turned into a political commentary .
10 Whilst the company is well known for its handmade clay plain tiles , this will be the first time it has ventured into the expanding machine-made clay plain tile market .
11 He or she may even know the number of consultants within a particular firm , how it has been performing , what are its key issues , how it has grown over the past year and generally what it is doing and how successfully .
12 Since then , it has grown into a major production unit in the carpet industry .
13 From its roots at MANsion House 9000 ( the initial emergency telephone line at St Stephen Walbrook in the City of London ) it has grown into a huge international movement with branches in 20 countries , most of which Varah , an inveterate traveller , has visited .
14 Although normally only architects qualify for the RIBA 's Gold Medal ( considered the world 's most prestigious award for architecture ) , this year it has gone to an Irish structural engineer , the fifty-six year old Peter Rice .
15 The effect is accentuated if the c.g. is near the aft limit and , in some cases , it is doubtful whether there is sufficient elevator authority to stop the pitching once it has gone beyond the early stages .
16 I am afraid it has met with a cool response from our colleagues , and in view of this , I am sorry to say that we will not be taking up your offer to publish .
17 In many cases where a request has been made , it has met with a flat refusal .
18 Much of Rhône-Poulenc 's effort in 199 was focused on integrated the large number of acquisitions it has made over the past five years .
19 I very much hope that the hospital to which the hon. Gentleman referred will be able to consolidate further the remarkable progress that it has made over the past couple of years — a 56 per cent .
20 Has my right hon. Friend seen the excellent report of Lancaster health authority , a copy of which I sent him , showing the immense progress that it has made during the past year — all within its budget ?
21 There has been an enormous and very genuine outcry over the vast sums it has made from a virtual monopoly position .
22 Will the Minister commend Lagan college in my constituency for the progress that it has made in the past 10 years ?
23 It has collected into a huge ball , two or three feet across .
24 Since then , it has survived on a one-off grant from the Scottish Office and money donated by private trusts , but these too have run out .
25 It has survived from the early 1930s because of its craggy independence , its non-institutional base , its ability to adapt to new social movements thrown up by the working-class and oppressed groups and , most important , its radical philosophy and perspective .
26 In 1967 Ron Gorchov dreamed up a uniquely curved and hinged frame to support the canvas on which he paints and in all the years since then he has never wavered from its use , though it has appeared in a wide variety of sizes and variations .
27 The Institute has played a major part in the development of the Construction Industry Council and the policies it has developed on the key issues affecting the industry .
28 It initially developed to provide trade financing for the entrepot centre , but since the multinationals started to arrive in the 1970s it has developed into a sophisticated financial centre .
29 The Oxford Polytechnic scheme is sui generis : the extent to which it has developed in a particular context of constraints and opportunities makes many of the decisions it has made and many of the systems it has adopted difficult to transfer to other institutional frameworks .
30 Since the British challenge made its start in 1987 at four locations , it has blossomed into a major feature of up to six kite meetings each year .
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