Example sentences of "it [verb] [adv] in the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow I ca n't see it catching on in the way Play-Doh did .
2 The semi-set jelly has a deliciously seductive , viscous quality as it trembles briefly in the mouth before slipping , fragrant and alcoholic , down the throat .
3 You wanted it to go out in the summer
4 ‘ Yes , it differs only in the way it 's played . ’
5 It turns out in the end that , that , all the readings were in there it 's just a matter locating them !
6 I mean it 's it 's happened and I was ha I was so interested in the subject that I asked Mr for a copy of the report where it goes back in the history and of course it is the history of trading standards and , and so on .
7 So you 're filtering it before it goes in the machine and still we 're saying , why do n't we filter it as it comes out the machine , before it goes back in the tank .
8 It was armed with a Lewis gun on the back and carried a vast load of food , petrol , ammunition and other stores , enabling it to remain out in the desert for periods of up to three weeks .
9 Although ‘ Hot Hot Hot ’ , the other failure , retains the manic absurdity , it offers little in the way of additional entertainment .
10 Although ‘ Hot Hot Hot ’ , the other failure , retains the manic absurdity , it offers little in the way of additional entertainment .
11 Probably the best hotel in Mayrhofen , the Neuhaus has high standards ; it offers much in the way of facilities and the cooking has an excellent reputation .
12 And he is n't erm , it lights up in the oven .
13 An enchanting Greek relief ( metope or section of a frieze ) from Reggio ( Rhegium ) with two running or dancing nymphs ( fig. 25 ) shows in its sophisticated movement and modelling that it belongs later in the century , but from the fall of the hair we can see that here too the faces were turned towards us .
14 A length of pipe that is the diameter of the intake of the powerhead should be cut so that it fits upright in the jar and come level with the top edge .
15 Apparently , it produces more in the way of smog-causing emissions than a car which has up to 30 times its horse power .
16 Gorbachev , speaking after his election as President , called for the conclusion of a ‘ new union treaty ’ of this kind ; and the Federation Council , when it met later in the year , agreed that a union treaty was necessary which would ‘ guarantee real economic and political sovereignty for the republics ’ .
17 This does mean , of course , that there is no control over the model 's yaw axis ( rudder to you fixed-wing flyers ) during the descent , although the natural weathercock effect of the fuselage will keep it lined up in the direction of flight .
18 But it lies more in the realm of the hagiographer than the journalist .
19 The serenity , then , belongs to the poet , not to the myth : it lies precisely in the poet 's attempt to palliate the dark truths that the myth represents .
20 The Act did tend to homogeneity , to the exploitation of meritocratic notions in pursuit of pragmatic ends , but it created little in the way of innovation or social levelling .
21 The worst part about it was that it stopped right in the line of flight of some bees who were working the field of clover .
22 It needs little in the way of special equipment other than a portable cassette recorder and microphone , and many a pleasant hour can be spent in collecting background sounds of various kinds .
23 It stands directly in the line of great folk operas , such as Verdi 's La Forza del Destino ( The Force of Destiny ) and Mussorgsky 's Boris Godunov , and , like them , it makes a great play with the chorus as a centre of passion .
24 And , you know , I get stuff which comes at me and I pass on to someone else and gradually the process goes until it finishes up in the wastepaper bin , and usually they 're the ones which are the longest which do n't get read .
25 Even I mean you did n't quite get it sorted out in the exam but
26 It is , however , a presumption that may be more easily displaced in family cases particularly those involving children where it has not in the past been usual practice to award costs against an unsuccessful party .
27 Perhaps the rage and common decency of the British people will vent itself in the near future where it has not in the past and finally get this Government out and replace it with a more caring one .
28 That is why the arms-for-Iraq case has caused such interest at Westminster , even if it has not in the rest of the country .
29 It pattered quietly in the distance , each small wave softly succeeding the next .
30 It 's a weird thing erm it starts off in the root and then it erm u used a single mouse fix to patch it
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