Example sentences of "it [verb] [verb] [adv] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the twilight the water , gushing and frothing , looked a long way down but the sound it made felt only a few feet below .
2 A spokesman said : ‘ It has become virtually a one-man book , with almost all the bets on the mighty Quinn .
3 I know several inspectors who have refused a college scholarship , arguing that the time spent away from the force was time spent in structural limbo , and it has become almost a common adage that time away is time lost in ‘ the promotion stakes ’ .
4 The anthropological fieldworker who eventually returns to the social setting of his homeland usually finds that it has become quite a different place .
5 I believe that I will always remember it , even though it was quite a few years ago and even though it has recurred quite a few times since .
6 Fashion and make-up have been with us for a very long time indeed — there are make-up palettes surviving from ancient Egypt — and although men in certain times and cultures may devote a lot of effort to their appearance , it has remained chiefly a feminine domain .
7 The solar system has travelled round the galaxy almost 20 times since it was formed , and it has described only a tiny arc of its journey during the two million years that people have been on the Earth .
8 With its motto ‘ Rottweiler breeding is working dog breeding ’ , it has put together a unique package where no dog can become a show champion without first having working qualifications .
9 Formerly a private hotel , it has needed only a little work to convert it to its new use .
10 It has taken quite a large chunk out of our lives , ’ he said .
11 And er then it seems to keep quite a long time if er if you do that .
12 It had rejected outright a previous report by Amnesty published in May 1990 [ see p. 37800 ] .
13 The design was complicated , with a serpentine pattern of dark blue and white with touches of black , and whoever was knitting it had completed only a few inches of ribbed welt .
14 At the end of our period it had produced neither a recognised discipline nor an academic teaching subject .
15 It had taken only a little practice to discover how to lie there , flat on her back , and slowly , with great care , peel away the roof beam and open back the two vast panes of glass .
16 There had been no problem in finding a matching replacement for the cut piece ; a hardware shop in Inverness had supplied it , and it had taken only a few minutes to fit .
17 In the days since her visit to me , her mind had become so used to the idea of walking in the vicinity of birds that it had seemed quite a natural thing to do .
18 But it does sound quite a big area to me if you have n't got the land in the first place .
19 It does look rather a big document , you know .
20 It 'd probably be a good studio amp as it 's got quite a rich sound , albeit at low volumes .
21 It 's got quite a big shed at the back .
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