Example sentences of "to be put into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I then subsequently asked for an iris to be put into the Dalek so that we could do a close up of the eye irising in and out to get the effect of its eye focussing on you .
2 There are times when the teacher might impose restrictions by asking , for example , for ‘ all the blue balls to be put into the basket ’ , or , ‘ all those wearing red to fetch their coats ’ , or she might ask the children to sort a collection into just two piles .
3 You see , this report is n't meant to be read , it 's meant to be put into the computer . ’
4 The message that I received from the governor and from the hard-working members of the association who work at Welford road is that there is a need for more resources to be put into the prison service .
5 Tea/supper Half of an 8-oz. tin of shoulder ham ( or corned beef ) , the other half to be put into the refrigerator for the next day .
6 The main criticisms of QALYs focus on two central points : firstly , that QALYs are unfair because they do not take into account who gains the QALYs ; secondly , that ‘ welfare ’ is not the only value to be put into the equation .
7 After some discussion the Lord Chancellor directed that the money was to be put into the hands of trustees nominated by the committee , or else paid to the Accountant-General — which was likely to lead to added expense .
8 ‘ Why should users want Windows to be put into the hands of novices ?
9 ‘ Why should users want Windows to be put into the hands of novices ?
10 Recent discussions on ‘ time poverty ’ and less recent ones on positional ( ie : intrinsically limited ) goods need to be put into the context of inter generational relations which in turn raise questions of equity and the emergence of social divisions based less on class than on age , gender and stage in life cycle .
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