Example sentences of "to be [v-ing] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would have given her an excuse to be searching for a particular room , but she had been so frightened …
2 When he comes to the first dramatic event he appears to be reaching towards a dramatic present here comes but is constrained by the prevailing past tense of the narration .
3 Those students who take Celtic through to honours level tend to be aiming for a Gaelic-related job ( eg in journalism or broadcasting , Government agencies , local government or teaching ) ; but a typical first-year class also includes many who simply have an interest in Scotland 's languages or heritage .
4 So Weberian theory has slowly shifted its concerns away from bureaucrats to a related interest in the tendency for state officials to be operating in a corporatist manner : mediating between warring groups in the ‘ national interest ’ .
5 When viewing behaviour the firm is , in effect , given the benefit of the doubt and assumed to be operating in a competitive manner unless and until some cause for concern is expressed .
6 I always seem to be reading about a new food scare .
7 I 'm not prepared to accept that any more than I am prepared to accept the hogwash that we heard from Bob Morgan and his Liberal Democrats , because of course it may be extremely comfortable for him to be acting like a beached dolphin on the shores of Abu Dhabi , but the fact of the matter is , of course , that the Liberal Democrats , with or without the backs of their envelopes and cigarettes packets , are extremely unlikely to be making any national legislation , so they are quite comfortable in being able to observe how others might or might not do it .
8 Those entitled to notice of the application are : ( a ) any person caring for the child at the time the proceedings are commenced ; ( b ) every person whom the applicant believes to be a parent without parental responsibility , ie an unmarried father without the benefit of a parental responsibility agreement or order ; ( c ) every person whom the applicant believes to be a party to pending relevant proceedings in respect of the same child ; ( d ) any local authority providing accommodation for the child ; ( e ) where proceedings are brought in respect of a child alleged to be staying in a certified refuge , the person providing the refuge .
9 The SOC , in retreating from the prospect of an agreement with the external factions , appeared now to be pushing for a decisive victory on the ground .
10 With the exception of R. Tank Limited , they all appear to be looking towards a low number .
11 On Saturday Maxim had moved back into Wellington Barracks ; he was supposed to be looking for a new flat to go with his London posting .
12 Scotts claimed to be looking for a new franchiser to take over its hotels when the contract with Holiday Inn expires in July 1992 .
13 OSF is now believed to be looking for a commercial partner to take over and productise the technology , which is much-needed within the industry .
14 From what I 've seen and heard , Graham seems to be looking to a big man with the ball aimed for the sky .
15 Carers are likely to be looking after a dying loved one for the first time in their life ; their anxieties may be greater than the patient 's .
16 By contrast to its growing enmity with Inkatha , the ANC appeared to be moving towards a new accommodation with the Pan-Africanist Congress ( PAC ) , originally formed in 1958 as a breakaway from the ANC .
17 In that sense they might be seen to be moving in a different direction from the strongly centralist initiatives in connection with the national curriculum .
18 A subject as vulnerable within the curriculum as art education needs to be seen by pupils , teachers , headteachers and administrators to be functioning in a healthy state and that judgment is likely to be made in terms derived from educational theory and include the results of assessment procedures and examination performance whether art teachers consent or not .
19 NOT long ago Germany 's insurance industry seemed to be sinking under a Gallic invasion .
20 Whereas Hitchcock 's last British film , the pre-war Jamaica Inn ( 1939 ) , could be said to be dealing with a similar area of subject matter to , say , Hatter 's Castle ( 1941 ) , the emotional level struck by the latter is a world away from the former .
21 In both cases we seem to be dealing with a subordinated racism which becomes ‘ common sense ’ as a result of its articulation through a dominant but non-racist ideology of competitive individualism — a situation which is the exact opposite of what is normally argued !
22 In his Sept. 11 radio broadcast Iliescu also strongly condemned proposals said to be emanating from a joint Hungarian-Polish-Czechoslovakian working group for the economic integration of Transylvania ( home of Romania 's ethnic Hungarian minority ) into an economic space to be created by the three countries .
23 This seemed to be developing into a regular pattern in his dealings with Emily .
24 It contained many names : journalists whom he deemed to be lacking in a proper respect , politicians ( like Joshua Morris ) who had made jokes at Mrs Thatcher 's expense , Booker Prize judges .
25 THE bitter tussle between Russia 's parliament and government appeared to be drawing to a close last night after preliminary approval was given to a compromise that would allow President Yeltsin 's administration to continue its reforms .
26 We are lucky enough to be living during a warm period ( interglacial ) of this ice age , but our luck can not last forever ; at some time during the next few thousand , few hundred or even just few years the next cold period ( glacial ) will commence unless humanity 's pollution contributes so much to the greenhouse effect that global warming prevents the glaciers from spreading .
27 In 1957 Fortune magazine published a list of America 's richest men , putting at the top the shy , reclusive , almost unknown J. Paul Getty , who turned out to be living in a modest room at the Ritz Hotel , London , conducting his world-wide oil business through the hotel switchboard with the minimum secretarial help .
28 To be living in a nuclear family household means parents and dependent children ( statistically speaking 2.4 ) with no other relatives or friends .
29 In these violent thermals it is possible to be flying with a good margin of speed at one moment and to be falling with virtually no speed the next .
30 Around it Willie had added rain so that it appeared to be flying against a great wind .
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