Example sentences of "to be [v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm supposed to be writing about the horses , ’ she pointed out firmly .
2 Finch , however , denounced the 1300 perambulation as ‘ false and erroneous ’ , and coerced the Grand Jury and Forest officers into returning a verdict ‘ that the Meetes and Boundes of the Forrest of Deane ought to be according to the Perambulations made ’ in 1228 and 1282 .
3 ‘ Love Me Do ’ seemed to be reverberating off the walls .
4 He 's supposed to be staying at a children 's home , but he spent last night in police cells after being arrested for the thirtieth time — for breaching bail conditions .
5 This is likely to be damaging to the workers ( who lose pay ) and the firms involved ( who lose output , sales and profits ) .
6 ‘ Chrissie was supposed to be enrolling for a teachers ’ training course all we saw her doing was peeling potatoes and with her hands in the sink for six weeks .
7 You were supposed to be looking at the clothes , ’ Paula said artlessly .
8 pretending to be looking at the waterlilies
9 I was caught in a group near the door and it took me some time to realise that I ought to be looking at the pictures , since that was why we were there .
10 They 're the ones supposed to be looking after the kids in the day-time , they should bloody well make sure there are n't any funny characters hanging around outside
11 It 's a little early to be thinking about the terms of surrender . ’
12 As the narrator of The Prisoner of Zenda , Rassendyll is at first inclined to be deprecating about the relationships between ‘ the palace at Strelsau or the castle of Zenda and Number 305 Park Lane , W. ’ He is well aware that his brother , Lord Burlesdon , prefers to forget the misbehaviour , in 1733 , of Rudolf the Third of Ruritania and the Countess Amelia , wife of the fifth Earl of Burlesdon and twenty-second Baron Rassendyll , which resulted in the transmission of certain characteristics ( ’ long , sharp , straight noses and a quantity of dark red hair ’ as well as blue eyes rather than the dark hue more common to the Rassendylls ) in several generations of the family .
13 But even Rolls-Royce must be seen to be moving with the times .
14 to be communicating with the parents !
15 This is a sad day for the final part of the Bill to be passing through the Houses of Parliament .
16 The man whom Sergeant Bird ushered in through the door seemed to be buckling at the knees , and his Adam 's apple jerked furiously in his throat as he swallowed time and again .
17 People in Donegal listened earnestly to the priest , craning forward as if to show him that they were there , but did not seem to be taking in the words .
18 But when , clutching the bag , she made an attempt to brush past him he blocked her way , adding coldly , ‘ It 's not safe to be roaming around the back-streets on your own at this time of night .
19 It is a symptom of sociology 's low status as a scientific discipline that so many researchers still seem to be seeking for the philosophers ' stone , or seeking status by attempting to theorize beyond their means .
20 Er and it was much easier to be living on the premises , that 's what we felt at the time .
21 Then he thought his eyes must be playing tricks ; a mirage of round-backed whales seemed to be sporting amid the waves of golden grass .
22 At Key Biscayne , a week before he expected to be competing in the doubles against Czechoslovakia in their Davis Cup quarter finals , he even started outlining some of the changes he would make should he be given the job .
23 The ceasefire agreement nevertheless appeared to be holding in the corridors , at least up to the final week of February , and there had still been no reports of any serious breaches of the Rome agreement .
24 They seemed to be amassing in the heavens .
25 He could distinctly hear voices which seemed to be coming from the parcels office next door .
26 You are likely to be sleeping on the streets for a very long time .
27 After two miles , a halt should be made to look back at Ullapool , a lovely picture with the odd effect that the buildings seem to be floating on the waters of Loch Broom .
28 The first one was community and I know , erm that Catherine was n't very happy about the community side of things and I 've looked at the the pamphlet things and it needs updating a little bit so I took the fact that the Royal Quay 's were down at our doorstep and contacted Linda who was extremely helpful and she 's put together erm , a package of things along with me , I went down last week and the first week the ninth is going to be explaining to the classes what we 're going to be doing , each form teacher will be able to do that and the sixteen and the twenty third there are visits down to the Royal Quay 's Education Centre erm for which
29 Clearly if I had been aware that we were going to be talking about the merits of other routes , then I would have prepared a different statement .
30 It has emphasised its continued support for Green Belts , although much of the most controversial development is taking place in areas outside them , and appears to be responding to the fears of its backbenchers about the electoral disadvantages of apparently condoning the wholesale ‘ concreting over ’ of southern England .
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