Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] from [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 To specify modules which are part of a package and which are to be transferred from LIFESPAN to the user 's account , the following relationships must be used :
2 To specify modules which are part of a package and which are to be transferred from LIFESPAN to the user 's account , the following relationships must be used :
3 I refuse to sell refrigerated Brie , so when the regulations come into force that state food has to be refrigerated from manufacture to sale , it will disappear from my shop .
4 Managing quality in this example is based on the assumption that long-term and medium-term planning of all subjects is important , that the analysis and modification of the use of time have to be repeated from year to year ( if not from term to term ) and that targets and statements of attainment should feature in schools ' schemes of work " and provide a valuable focus for the planning and transaction of classwork by individual teachers " ( HMI 1990:14 ) .
5 The nun who admitted them appeared to be covered from head to foot apart from her eyes , nose , and mouth , for after she had bolted the gate behind them she tucked her bare hands into her sleeves , then led the way up a gravel path , on either side of which a lawn extended as far as a further high , stone wall , its top also embedded with glass .
6 As it was too large to be put on a lorry to be moved from site to site it had to travel on roads under its own power and was held to be intended to be used on roads .
7 b ) This permits the blade to be moved from side to side so that it can be made parallel with the sole .
8 The topic continues to be raised from time to time in the media including illustrations of how celebrity trials in America are reported on TV .
9 The power to offer such an opportunity requires to be renewed from year to year ; Resolution 5 extends this power for a further year .
10 The rynd and the spindle soon came to be made from iron to be more durable , and the handle was developed to become a lever for turning the runner stone by animal power .
11 2.6.1 for insuring the Centre or ( where such insurance includes the Centre and other premises ) such proportion [ reasonably ] attributable to the Centre of the sums that the Landlord shall from time to time pay by way of premium for insuring the Centre and other premises to be determined from time to time by the Surveyor acting as an expert and not as an arbitrator
12 Uneven development is taken here as a key concept , both in explaining why there are local state institutions to begin with , and in understanding how local politics come to be differentiated from place to place .
13 Henceforth it was to be seen from time to time on route 16/18 .
14 Having examined the practice in different common law jurisdictions , their Lordships consider that the principles endorsed by the Jamaican Court of Appeal , particularly with regard to inconsistent previous statements , represent what will normally be an acceptable way of achieving fairness to the accused and they take the opportunity of saying that in a civilised community the most suitable ways of achieving such fairness ( which should not be immutable and require to be reconsidered from time to time ) are best left to , and devised by , the legislature , the executive and the judiciary which serve that community and are familiar with its problems .
15 Radicals wanted to see progress towards humankind as the central theme , but conservatives like Owen , worried about the status of the human soul , preferred more complex patterns of development that allowed for entirely new levels of organization to be introduced from time to time .
16 Like other trades and ‘ mysteries ’ , chemical or pharmaceutical knowledge was to be passed from father to son , or master to apprentice , or wise woman to her daughter , and not broadcast to the world .
17 Women were still seen as a valuable commodity , to be passed from father to husband , and at the accession of James I , any property a woman might hold would immediately become her husbands on marriage .
18 People who live beside flood rivers are liable to be recruited from time to time .
19 Whether you intend to show your dog or not , it will need to be bathed from time to time .
20 But the publication of these magazines was of course very demanding both in time and money and several faded away in the following decade , to be revived from time to time in spasmodic bouts of enthusiasm .
21 To achieve that target without endless sprawl , local interests will have to be hurt from time to time .
22 In ‘ Pride and Prejudice ’ Jane Austen describes a society in which women are considered to be chattels — independent-minded chattels , certainly , but nevertheless objects to be handed from man to man until they are suitably married .
23 Indeed , they may be appreciated as a lively addition to the garden , to be watched from time to time from the kitchen window .
24 The landing was to be executed from east to west and embrace the whole southern coast of the island , from Sandown Bay , where the main body would land , to Chale , Brixton and Freshwater Bays …
25 In January 1982 he came back to Stockport to speak of his mountaineering experiences ; so many wanted to hear him that the venue had to be changed from School to the Town Hall .
26 end causes the status of the system to be changed from REPLAY to INACTIVE .
27 But heads do nevertheless need to say what has to be changed from time to time — and should see the need for change before their colleagues .
28 To jump over the gap between two cells , a nerve impulse has to be translated from electricity to chemicals and back .
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