Example sentences of "to be [vb pp] in the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The brief given to the three craftworkers approached this year emphasised that what they produce must qualify as a high quality art object in its own right , preferably of a contemporary nature , and suitable to be displayed in the offices or boardrooms of this years ABSA award winners .
2 He applied to be joined in the proceedings as a defendant and for a stay of the possession order .
3 Delamont and Galton ( 1987 ) think that arts teachers may be attempting to overcome the low esteem in which their work is held by other teachers by adopting even more rigorous practices of pupil work assignment and evaluation than is to be observed in the practices of teachers in other areas of study thereby establishing their academic credibility .
4 Some Romanians claim ( not unreasonably though without evidence ) that Nicolae and Elena Ceauşescu were diabolists who had arranged for certain black magical and other superstitious figures to be carved in the decorations of the Casa Republicii or hidden in the overall design and visible only to other satanic initiates of the occult .
5 Taking a more liberal line than the bishop , Temple argued that the finger of God was to be discerned in the laws of nature , not in the current limits of scientific knowledge .
6 True , the local history researcher is more likely to be pursuing investigations through source materials provided by Anglo-Saxon charters , medieval rolls , maps , land grants , muster documents and the like , but the uses of heraldry are not to be despised in the processes of rounding out historical themes .
7 Patrick had made it a rule that he was never to be disturbed in the mornings , but that she might bring him urgent interruptions in the afternoon .
8 But there was a snap loud enough to be heard in the bushes , and then a long-drawn-out clinking noise as the chain fell away .
9 She looked with horror at the fingers which had cruelly raked Bill Yardley 's face , and heard her own voice uttering words not even fit to be heard in the alleys .
10 While the national coach catalogued a list of players rich in promise who will be seen ‘ down the line , ’ Roxburgh is mindful that a balance has to be maintained in the interests of qualifying for the World Cup finals next year .
11 Radon occurs naturally in rocks such as granite , and can move readily through porous rock and soil and can seep into buildings causing dangerous concentrations to accumulate ( inhaling radon causes it to be deposited in the lungs so increasing the risks of lung cancer ) .
12 For example , if the household expects to be rationed in the goods market in the future , there is less reason to save out of current income and , consequently , the current demand for goods will rise .
13 This means that there is no significant reordering of the chain conformation when crystallization takes place after cooling from the melt , which would be required if a regularly folded chain structure was to be constructed in the lamellae .
14 Bolingbroke in 1711 – 14 , Stanhope in 1714 – 21 , the elder Pitt in 1756 – 61 , were all clear cases of this ; and in 1771 , and again ten years later , George III — the most efficiency-minded English ruler for three centuries — pressed for the conduct of foreign policy to be unified in the hands of a single secretary .
15 That 's right , but we would expect it to be subsumed in the numbers of overall requirements for housing .
16 Anyone who can sound so apparently unconcerned , with his spacecraft exploding around him , and Houston asking him to repeat what he just said , deserves to be called in the words of a fellow astronaut , ‘ a real pro ’ .
17 Admission for assessment for twenty-eight days ( section 2 ) is possible where a person is suffering from mental disorder and it is considered that he or she ought to be detained in the interests of his or her own health or safety or with a view to the protection of other persons .
18 How could she change what seemed to be written in the stars ?
19 As with most provincial newspapers , stories tend to be written in the reporters ' office with a minimum of telephone calls to check facts and with one eye on the deadline for going to press .
20 He was largely responsible for organising the supply of machinery and equipment to be fitted in the bare hulls to be built in the yards of British Columbia — an industry which proved to be of vital importance during the Second World War .
21 On April 9 , 1964 the rethought , turboprop , DHC-5 Buffalo first flew , but this failed to be built in the numbers of its predecessor .
22 In addition , they say that prisoners are going to be employed in the kitchens to work alongside civilian staff , because recruitment is so difficult .
23 Erm , an improvement to be made in the mobiles .
24 I want to see a curricular framework which is flexible enough to permit sensible modifications and , where necessary , exemptions to be made in the interests of individual children with special needs .
25 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
26 Individual role relationships will tend to be normalized in the calculations which organization agencies make and so management control will be expressed far more in terms of the accountability of individuals .
27 Ministers speak of the ‘ delivery ’ of the National Curriculum as though it were a manufactured product , just needing to be packaged in the schools .
28 Moreover , while these analyses are useful in clarifying relationships the underlying explanation of them has to be sought in the factors surveyed by other chapters .
29 Since ‘ not the Government , only persons can have responsibility ’ , the struggle was to be waged in the constituencies , against individual MPs .
30 The university buildings were themselves instructive , incorporating all the ‘ orders to be seen in the ruins of Greece and Italy ’ as well as English mediaeval styles .
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