Example sentences of "to be [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We would note that many languages have , in addition to the three basic sentence-types mentioned above , others that appear to be similarly circumscribed in use : exclamatives that are used paradigmatically to express surprise , imprecatives to curse , optatives to express a wish , and so on ( again , see Sadock & Zwicky , in press ) .
2 However , this is not what was expected from Study 1 where recall seemed to be strongly related to ratings of subjective risk .
3 It is thus not clear that these accident estimates are particularly stable assessments of the objective danger at the junction ; they are likely to be strongly determined by risk ratings .
4 Their results indicate that bargaining structure is systematically related to product and labour market considerations and that high concentration and large plant size are found to be strongly associated with single-firm , as opposed to multi-firm , agreements .
5 William Morton Pitt of Kingston Maurwood , MP for Dorset and a relative of the two famous Prime Ministers ‘ impressed with the beauty of the situation of Swanwich and the salubrity of its climate , and finding the shore of smooth fine sand to be admirably adapted for sea bathing , first conceived the idea of raising it to the condition of a watering place ’ .
6 The birth of science , and its bitterest pill , the Darwinian Theory of Evolution , was to be oddly influenced by Indonesia , and can be partly traced through the subtle relationship between Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace , which recent evidence strongly suggests produced not only one of the most revolutionary achievements in the history of science but also one of its most intriguing deceptions .
7 On Aug. 27 , 1989 , the $150,000,000 UK television satellite Marco Polo 1 became the first satellite to be commercially launched from Cape Canaveral , by the US McDonell Douglas aircraft company which built the Delta 187 rocket carrying the satellite .
8 These exceptions are important and consideration should be given to inserting them in trust documents although this seems to be rarely done in practice .
9 ‘ If this issue had been built up by the NFU and sufficient Tory MPs had rebelled we could have reversed the cuts but there seemed to be little fight from Edinburgh .
10 Stalingrad was being interpreted as the consequence of what was now becoming to be widely viewed as Hitler 's catastrophic policy and leadership .
11 Banks and other financial institutions are already heavy users of electronic funds transfer , and it is likely to be widely adopted by businesses handling large number of cash transactions , as in the retail trade , for example .
12 Judging by American experience , there is no doubt that , as annual percentage rates come to be widely quoted in conformity with the new Consumer Credit Act regulations , people will become more familiar with them .
13 The theoretical assumptions of the Lancaster Inventory are considerable , and did not appear to be widely shared by staff on the Modular Course .
14 CUP has Tasks for Language Teachers by Martin Parrot of International House in London , and this , although expensive at £13.95 , promises to be widely used on teacher training courses .
15 When documents first began to be widely used in history teaching , local documents were often cited as a local illustration of the national theme .
16 Despite such problems , particularly in attempts to define specific neuropsychological correlates to all its forms , the concept of arousal , or activation , continues to be widely used in psychology ( e.g. K. J. Anderson , 1990 ; Revelle & D. A. Loftus , 1990 ) .
17 We want to guide the Bill through all its stages and for it to be properly scrutinised in Committee .
18 Unfortunately it is too far south to be properly seen from Britain or the northern United States , but when high up it is truly impressive , and it is easy to conjure up the picture of a scorpion from the long line of bright stars , with the ‘ head ’ and the ‘ sting ’ .
19 If tourism is to be properly recognised as Scotland 's largest employer , and recognised for the very considerable revenue that it brings into the country , it must first be given higher priority within the Scottish Office itself .
20 It is important for the organ to be properly covered by insurance , but making it available to students costs little and is again an investment for the future .
21 ‘ ( 1 ) Solicitors shall ensure that every office where they or their firms practise is and can reasonably be seen to be properly supervised in accordance with the following minimum standards :
22 If cases were to be properly judged in Aquitaine , kept out of the Paris Parlement or adjudicated successfully by ad hoc commissions in either Gascony or ( if a petition to the king in parliament had been made ) in England , then knowledge of tenurial conditions , rights , duties and privileges was essential .
23 Anaspids also show a dorsally placed nasohypophysial opening and are therefore considered to be closely related to lampreys and cephalaspids .
24 Rather than a bourgeois audience , however , he saw the fabliau as belonging primarily to a seigneurial , aristocratic milieu , and to be closely related to romance precisely as the antithesis of romance ; as being very largely parodic .
25 Fiegehan and his colleagues ( 1977 ) found age to be closely related to poverty : old people in Britain often subsist on very small incomes indeed .
26 Concepts of instrumentation in this period appear still to be closely allied to Renaissance consort principles .
27 It was safer to hire soldiers as well and it is at this time that we first come across the name Mercadier , a name that from now on was to be closely linked with Richard 's .
28 Deskilling appeared to be closely linked to computerization : least skill was required by the clerks at the most computerized of the institutions , the local authority .
29 The construction of the book follows a pattern which appears to be closely modelled upon Hegel 's Phenomenology of Spirit , though not explicitly so .
30 What I have tried to do here is to suggest , without wanting to be closely associated with Hick 's pseudo-ecumenical approach , that among many of the world 's religions there may be a common understanding of the divine nature .
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