Example sentences of "to be [verb] for the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is perhaps something to be said for the continued use of the term student from the motives that led the Greeks to call the Furies the Eumenides , " the kindly ones ' , in the hope that the use of a flattering name might induce them to live up to it .
2 Eighteenth-century politics have long had an unsavoury reputation , and although in the case of Scotland much of that reputation can be traced to the persuasive , but not strictly accurate , writings of Henry Cockburn and other Whig reformers of the early nineteenth century , it must be conceded at the outset that there is something to be said for the received account .
3 There 's a lot to be said for the modern falconry centres — anything that helps people to appreciate birds of prey is a good thing as far as I 'm concerned — although it 's a shame they have to be turned into tourist attractions .
4 In instrumental terms there is much to be said for the informal approach .
5 There is something , at least , to be said for the old order : ‘ Educational injustice enabled people to preserve their illusions , inequality of opportunity fostered the myth of human equality . ’
6 But we have to be prepared for the unexpected .
7 The horse is kept locked up in a stable until it is time to be exhibited for the potential buyer or judge — or mare owner if the horse is a stallion standing at stud .
8 The ‘ Santa Specials ’ are the first to be arranged for the British Rail main line in the area for quite some time , and a first for the North Warwickshire Line between Hall Green and the Shakespearean town of Stratford-upon-Avon .
9 This is indicated in Layton 's references to the views of science on the one hand in terms of ‘ the disinterested pursuit of truth ’ , and on the other , particularly by those involved in the Great Exhibition , as ‘ the producer for the industrial market place ( so that science was to be studied for the economic benefits it would yield ) ’ .
10 If it was a business trip in fact , she was not about to be mistaken for the personal assistant/mistress .
11 Not to be mistaken for the previous car to wear that badge , which was rather short on driver appeal , the new 300 ZX represents a serious threat to Europe 's sports car makers .
12 To make it as realistic as possible , more than 200 extras had to be employed for the two-day shoot .
13 This document describes the Change Management Procedures to be adopted for the New OED Computer Project .
14 The financial strain on the firm can be eased by : ( 1 ) effecting sufficient insurance cover ( see Chapter 5 ) ; ( 2 ) the inclusion of suitable provisions ( Clause 20 ) in the partnership deed clearly setting out the procedures to be adopted for the continuing partners to have the option to purchase the deceased 's share from his estate on an appropriate time scale or providing for an automatic accruer to the surviving partners ; ( 3 ) the inclusion of provisions in the deceased 's will enlarging the discretion of the personal representatives as to the time for realisation of assets in the estate and generally as to arrangements which may be concluded with the continuing partners ; and ( 4 ) where ( which is not unusual ) one of the personal representatives is a continuing partner , the inclusion in the will of specific authority for that partner in his capacity as personal representative and trustee to conclude agreements with the firm .
15 It is vital , however , that they are able to compete on equal terms , and to achieve this there will need to be funding for the extra costs of clinical research .
16 This may be ; but at the time there was a case to be made for the new policy satisfying the demands both of expediency and humanity .
17 The hon. Gentleman will know that the House was advised in the summer of a new scheme to assist people during periods of very cold weather — well over 1 million payments are expected to be made for the recent cold spell .
18 Sometimes when the changes are slower it can be more difficult because allowance has to be made for the natural variations that occur hour by hour in an illness even without any treatment .
19 There may be a tendency for courts to err on the side of caution , and for orders to be made for the full length of time , but the recent judgement by the High Court in relation to an appeal in North Yorkshire may encourage the courts to exercise discretion with greater confidence , and take advice from the GAL .
20 A PC-based analyser is ideal in that it is impartial , on-hand , and quick , but due allowance has to be made for the particular type of text .
21 It has achieved a good deal of success in this , enabling some compensation to be made for the diminishing pool of potential recruits on the farms .
22 The question then arises of the most suitable arrangements to be made for the Territorial Army .
23 For example , it used to be the time when farmers asked for their crops to be blessed for the coming year .
24 But that same militant masculinity has to be seen for the contradictory and often conservative force that it is .
25 New officers had to be appointed for the new objective of woodland management for timber production .
26 Mr Ivor Stanbrook ( C Orpington ) said it was imperative the law should be applied and those encouraging breaches ought to be prosecuted for the common law offence of incitement to commit a crime .
27 Both Virgin and Thorn EMI are thought to be vying for the lucrative Jobete in Detroit , which controls the publishing rights to a catalogue of 15,000 Motown titles .
28 So , when an Ikhwan ( widely understood to be fronting for the Amiri secretary ) proposed to make a grant to a Tibbu , ‘ all Zuwaya ’ , including at least some Awlad Amira , protested .
29 Mr G. Dear , who was at school with Richard , told me : ‘ We learnt more in class from his talking above and beyond the subject matter than from others who stuck to the syllabuses … it was an honour to be selected for the annual school play … ‘
30 I should just add that I was lucky enough to be selected for the only European Commission sponsored place at the EEB conference .
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