Example sentences of "to be [verb] from a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has even been known for an esteemed binder 's ticket to be transferred from a battered volume to a more handsome specimen with which he had no demonstrable connection .
2 The plaintiff had applied to a Mental Health Tribunal to be transferred from a secure hospital .
3 Mr Hughes added : ‘ It is through educationalists and the message they will relay to our young people that we can tell the truth of the strengths and benefits to be gained from a multi-racial , multi-cultural society . ’
4 To judge from the faction of Nationalism Today , there might nowadays be financial or other advantages to be gained from a particular presentation of the conspiracy tradition .
5 From Philips ' point of view , DVI looks threatening because it enables full frame full motion video to be accessed from a standard CD-ROM .
6 The science of Radionics , now gaining respectability in some scientific circles due to the understanding that fields of subtle energy guide our consciousness , is a process which allows a total image of an individual 's life pattern to be recorded from a single cell or hair sample or any minute segment of the body .
7 On the other hand , imagine the embarrassment of calling a full-scale search out for somebody who is not only not in peril , but is mightily cheesed off to be awoken from a deep sleep by an RAF Sea-King helicopter blowing the filling out of their sleeping-bag ?
8 The Workshop aimed to draw on the experience of participants in exploring the benefits to be obtained from a deliberate encouragement of professional interaction between colleagues within and across , secondary schools .
9 Multiparametric flow cytometric analysis allows dynamic data on cell kinetics to be obtained from a single injection and biopsy specimen .
10 The term ’ prime cost sum ’ is defined in SMM6 as ’ a sum provided for work or services to be executed by a nominated sub-contractor , a statutory authority or a public undertaking or for materials or goods to be obtained from a nominated supplier ’ .
11 The Labour party 's document makes it clear that Labour has forgotten every word , and that is why the country needs to be saved from a Labour Government .
12 Another reason why the country needs to be saved from a Labour Government is that it is bad enough to have the type of nonsense that went on in Luigi 's restaurant happening when the Labour party is in opposition , but it would be especially ridiculous if it happened with the Labour party in government .
13 Greenpeace say urgent action is needed if one of the region 's rivers is to be saved from a disasterous level of pollution.The environmental pressure group says the law needs to be changed to stop the discharge of chemicals into rivers .
14 To possess someone in the mind is to be saved from a brutal repudiation in reality , and instead to love the ethereal , which can neither disappoint nor satisfy , but only act as a goad .
15 Bar service enabled various different rooms , or cabins within rooms , to be served from a central point ; many late-Victorian pubs had a sequence of separate private bars serve from a single bar-counter , in total contrast to the current fashion for single-room pubs .
16 It is totally different for visual recording , where a selection has to be made from a great range of possible pictures .
17 Such were the small gains to be made from a playing career at the very top .
18 The knowledge that the only help you could expect in times of trouble or need would have to be sought from a near neighbour ; and , even more fundamental , the bond of blood .
19 In the marble version the struts have been banished from sight by designing the statue to be seen from a restricted viewpoint .
20 It is necessary to appreciate these facts if social policy is to be seen from a sociological perspective .
21 The design runs one way along the rug , and needs to be seen from a particular angle for maximum effect .
22 If Cadwallon believed himself to be descended from a Votadini chieftain , he may well have wished to support the Votadini in their continuing war with the northern Angles .
23 The origin legend of the Merovingians as recorded by Fredegar is important not only for its suggestion that the family claimed to be descended from a supernatural ancestor , but also for the implications it has for the rise of the dynasty .
24 In his Sept. 11 radio broadcast Iliescu also strongly condemned proposals said to be emanating from a joint Hungarian-Polish-Czechoslovakian working group for the economic integration of Transylvania ( home of Romania 's ethnic Hungarian minority ) into an economic space to be created by the three countries .
25 His eyes seemed to be coming from a long way away .
26 He felt a peculiar sense of dislocation , and the sounds of those in the room seemed to be coming from a great distance away .
27 The Drayton Drain Easy kit consists of a stopper which fits into the cold feed pipe outlet of a cistern and a plug which fits over the end of the open vent pipe to allow , say , a radiator to be removed from a central heating system without draining down the whole central heating system , which could well mean losing all your corrosion inhibitor .
28 The name is believed to be derived from a personal name Sighel or Signup , and the second part from the thorn bushes which grew in abundance at the time , and dates possibly from the 7th century .
29 When Philip Jessup visited MacArthur in January 1950 the general stated that the Soviet Union should perceive the advantages to be derived from a Japanese treaty and he was sure that a diplomat like Jacob Malik would appreciate the position .
30 Its parliament , most of its ministers and nearly all of its higher civil servants , continued to be chosen from a narrow social class , which had drawn its income from industrial areas now derelict , from agriculture now unable to support its labourers and from an empire which was even more depressed than the " Mother Country " .
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