Example sentences of "to be [verb] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The average ranking of the correct word is only three , and a number of words ( between 5 and 25 ) have to be hypothesized in the hope of including the correct word .
2 It occurred to Lyn — fleetingly , to be gone in a moment that most men would have broken such a thing more gently to their wives .
3 A programme of accounts monitoring of ‘ at risk ’ firms commenced in January , aiming to cover 650 visits per year , and a fraud intelligence officer was appointed , to be based in the Society 's Monitoring Unit , Measures to reduce conveyancing-based fraud were also adopted ; cards warning on property fraud and loosely given undertakings were circulated .
4 Ever since William had started school , Diana had had to be based in the south .
5 When , on 25 March 1859 , the tsar announced the principles on which Russian local government was to be based in the future , he acknowledged that provision had to be made for involving the public .
6 Given its basic anti-absolutist thought that , whether within or without political society , men have a right to life , liberty , and possessions , it can be seen as a kind of picturesque metaphor which , in explaining the structure of legitimate political authority , reveals it to be based in the consent of the governed .
7 This was supposed to be said in the tone of one dealing with news of some immense natural disaster .
8 The price in a contract of sale may be fixed by the contract , or may be left to be fixed in a manner agreed by the contract , or may be determined by the course of dealing between the parties .
9 Open price contracts are specifically provided for in ss8 and 9 of SGA 1979 which state : 8 – ( 1 ) The price in a contract of sale may be fixed by the contract , or may be left to be fixed in a manner agreed by the contract , or may be determined by the course of dealing between the parties .
10 The completed upholstery was finished at the point where it was to be fixed in the coach .
11 The national curriculum began to be taught in the autumn of 1989 , with pupils in the first year of Key Stage 1 introduced to the programmes of study and attainment targets of the three core subjects of mathematics , English and science .
12 It is difficult to achieve truly three-dimensional accuracy with this method , but mathematical precision was not a prime requirement in Roman commissions , most of which were intended to be displayed in a setting with a restricted angle of view .
13 For section 22 to operate , the goods need to be displayed in a place where those who stand or pass by can see them .
14 HISTORIC Scotland 's modelmaker , George Blair , has recently completed a scale model of Fort George , to be displayed in the Fort 's Grand Magazine as an aid to interpretation for visitors .
15 Christmas lunch was to be prepared in the theatre kitchens and Crawford volunteered to take charge .
16 The authority initiating the request had , however , to be identified in the written request delivered by the consul , which was also to contain information about the parties and the nature of the document to be served and was to be prepared in the language of the state of destination .
17 It is , of course , not legally necessary for a mortgagee to be joined in a conveyance of the equity in the property ; however , without the title documents a conveyance of an unregistered title subject to a mortgage from husband to wife can not be safely undertaken .
18 Four minutes later John Fashanu poked home a Wimbledon equaliser after a corner and then Roberts , left dizzy and with a sore head , was led off — to be joined in the dressing room eight minutes later by the limping Ferdinand .
19 Any provision for the original tenant under the agreement to be joined in the lease as surety for the assignee should be vehemently resisted .
20 It is a veritable relic from the past to be observed in a setting which has changed little in the last few hundred years , thus making the pervading atmosphere one of awesome pastoral antiquity .
21 Many interesting architectural features are to be observed in the village , including the stables and carriage house , built at the end of the 18th century just after the house .
22 The declaration said that until such time as Krajina 's separation from Croatia could be negotiated with the Croatian government , Croatian laws would continue to be observed in the region , provided that they were not at variance with federal laws or laws unilaterally adopted by the Krajina government .
23 A schoolteacher from Eastern Europe , believed to be touring in the area .
24 The deals are in fact important in the way the game is to be projected in the future in this country .
25 The deals are in fact important in the way the game is to be projected in the future in this country .
26 Mrs Coxall has kindly presented the ticket on permanent loan to the Society , to be exhibited in the Museum which is planned .
27 I also can not stand being ‘ rushed at ’ to be embraced in the manner she adopts — I decide who touches me , kisses me or who does not … nobody else ! !
28 Harrison and Wood claim to be writing in a period during which there has been ‘ growth of a critical self-consciousness about the history of Modernism itself ’ .
29 The department will be open to the public and other departments as normal , ie 0830–1550 hours , therefore minimum staffing levels will need to be applied in every section .
30 It should be emphasised that the test to be applied in a case such as this is objective : would a reasonable person have been misled ?
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