Example sentences of "to be [verb] [adv] for each " in BNC.

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1 There are Special arrangements for taxing the dividends on shares , war widow 's pensions , ordinary deposits in the National Savings Bank , and deposits in the ordinary department of a Trustee Savings Bank , all of which are discussed in detail in the Inland Revenue booklet , Income Tax and the Elderly , which needs to be studied carefully for each individual .
2 The computers can recognise thousands of words and , unlike older systems , do not have to be trained laboriously for each word .
3 The rate support grant was replaced by a block grant to be calculated separately for each authority , so a council which displeases the government , by failing to keep local expenditure within a limit determined at the centre , can be penalized by a reduction in grant .
4 This is illustrated in the following drill using Spanish : This type of drill would have to be set up for each person , number , tense and verb class , and be thoroughly drilled in order to gain automatic control of the association of pronoun and verb ending .
5 Separate drills need to be set up for each noun class to learn its associated affixes .
6 A register of licensed auditors is to be set up for each member state .
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