Example sentences of "to their [noun] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Hugh went to their mill in the small town of Leslie to discuss the matter further with Smith Anderson 's Purchasing Manager , Gavin Anderson .
2 To date nothing is known to their service with the RAF in India up to their transfer to the Indian Air Force on December 31 , 1947 .
3 Following this the SIB , appropriate SROs and RPBs made announcements to their members regarding the consequent restrictions imposed by these rules in relation to the persons concerned .
4 This had generally taken three forms , of which the largest was remittances to their families by the large number of Palestinians from the territories working in the Gulf and elsewhere .
5 I was astonished to read the article entitled ‘ Soviet military research powers ’ ( This Week , 17 March , p 708 ) which appears to be a tame reproduction of figures given by the Pentagon as to their calculation of the Soviet defence effort .
6 As Labour Party politicians and trade unionists found out to their cost in the year-long miners ’ dispute , one could not dismiss comments about ‘ picket violence , as untrue and mere fabrications .
7 Not only men , but women and children too knitted stockings , socks , shirts , gloves , cravats and other fabrics on a frame in their cottage and continued to do so long after steam power had been applied to their craft during the middle years of the nineteenth century .
8 For the historian , then , the problem becomes one of discovering the contours of Victorian sexual mores without surrendering to facile generalisations , for despite a plethora of studies we are still woefully ignorant of general trends in the development of sexual attitudes , of their effects on individual lives , and of the particular meanings given to their activities by the sexual subjects in all their variety — by class , by gender , by generation and by region .
9 In addition to their work for the Fabian Society and the Labour party , and the prodigious nature of their social inquiry work , they were responsible for founding — as institutional outlets for their ideas — the London School of Economics in 1895 and the New Statesman in 1913 .
10 This difference concerns their conception of meaning , a conception which is crucial to their insistence on the objective character of criticism .
11 On the one hand , ideas have been simplified into reduced versions which often bear little resemblance to their originals in the disciplinary contexts from which they have been taken .
12 This source can provide an approximation of the number of firms in Britain but can not allow a differentiation of firms according to their standing in the senior recruitment market .
13 National insurance contributions rise to their peak with the third and fourth quintiles .
14 They were directed back to their positions by the first assistant and his megaphone , and a second take began ; Miranda was now able to make some sketches of the action as well , as she knew its shape .
15 The relations among the actors all relate to their positions in the bureaucratic organization and it is as if the bureaucracy were a self-contained world , except for the points of contact where commerce with the rest of the world enters and leaves .
16 For one , the sampling procedure could be designed so that individuals are selected according to their position within the social structure or social group .
17 This is not merely prejudice since it is the case that women 's position in the family is rarely irrelevant to their position in the public world .
18 The fragments used as probes ( A-C ) are drawn with respect to their position in the NF-L gene .
19 Are these variations personal and idiosyncratic , or does people 's experience vary more systematically in relation to their position in the social and economic structure ?
20 In the United Kingdom the Roman Catholic and Republican minority of Northern Ireland took to the streets in protest against the injustices meted out to their kind by the Provincial Government and condoned in Whitehall ( see Cameron Report 1969 Cmd 532 ) .
21 They are conscious that their strength with the Prime Minister and chances of promotion bear some relation to their performance in the House and to their popularity in the parliamentary party .
22 RUGBY UNION : French selectors have made no changes to their squad for the final game of the International Championship against Ireland in Paris on March 21 .
23 But when the citizens of the Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers cast their stones into the pot last week and elected the managing director of Amalgamated Metal Trading on to their council with the biggest number of votes , they elevated the nearest that divided body has seen to a populist .
24 But it may not be possible to order worlds according to their closeness to the actual world , for two reasons .
25 This pessimism may have some truth given the present management approach within our schools but it is suggested here that if that managerial frame of reference was itself to be radically re-oriented , then teachers ' perceptions of their own professionality would also be powerfully affected and they may indeed come to feel that effective classroom activity was positively related to their performance in the wider school context .
26 Then he took a ruler and joined the extremities to their opposites on the other side of the pattern .
27 To explore them more fully , both as to their ‘ true ’ nature , and as to their relationship to the organizational types , a second phase of the study will need to collect additional data .
28 The lure of live music-making is , of course , irresistible : the sense of occasion , of which Karajan was himself a great provider , the throng of music-madded fans and aficionados , not to mention that bear-baiting element Glenn Gould was always so amusing about , as soloists are led out and put to their instruments before the attentive crowd .
29 More frequently they try to manipulate the media to their advantage by the selective release of carefully timed and adjusted information and by threatening , punishing , and intimidating media staff .
30 A final factor contributes to the low income of garbage pickers and this relates to their involvement in the international economy .
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