Example sentences of "to the [noun] [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This converts the image into electronic signals which are passed to the recorder section containing the cassette housing and tape transport mechanisms .
2 The addition of ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid or diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid to the bleach bath reduces the deleterious effects of the metals .
3 Rejecting the new constitutional proposals , a group of 114 ethnic Albanian delegates to the Kosovo Assembly issued a statement on July 2 , in which they declared that Kosovo was now independent of Serbia , and that it was instead a full constituent republic within the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ( SFRY ) .
4 Talbot moved out on to the port wing to join the lieutenant who stood there , a tall , thin young man with fair hair , thick pebbled glasses and a permanently lugubrious expression .
5 Kulin 's adherence to the Bogomil heresy provoked the papacy to interfere .
6 The list of 47 subscribers to the Odiham Society includes the name of Rev Thomas Burgess of Oxford , later to play a key role in the London committee of the society .
7 In addition , the monthly updates to the microfilm system need no scissors and paste .
8 Should the lexicographers wish to proof ranges of dictionary text before approving it , a request may be made to the Computer Group using an appropriate control document .
9 In 1980 he moved to the computer industry to develop the use of microcomputers in the personnel field .
10 They argue that the protection of reliance fits into this corrective model of justice , whereas to award damages for harm to the expectation interest involves an inappropriate redistribution of wealth .
11 However , with these examples , might it no be of benefit to the England side to increase the frequency of these News bulletins ?
12 He found the stews around the riverside as busy as an overturned ant heap in summer as boatmen , sailors and fishermen flocked down to the river bank to watch the ice thaw .
13 A system whereby gross contributions to the EC budget have a well defined relation to relative incomes , even without progressivity , would be a major step in matters of budgetary harmonisation .
14 In this experiment a team from Culham went to the Kurchatov Institute to measure the temperature with the new laser-scattering technique that I have already mentioned .
15 In all cases , the challenge to the documentation specialist remains the same : how to do justice to the objects in order to create an accurate and sufficiently detailed record of the object to allow it to be identified with confidence .
16 A tablespoon of lemon juice added to the cooking liquid stops the beans discolouring , but I find this sometimes makes them tough and I prefer to add lemon juice at the end with the oil .
17 The deadline date was set at October 31st , allowing centres almost two months , after students return for the new session , to clear up all outstanding results for the previous session or to request an extension to the finish date to allow the student to complete the module .
18 The Court found on the facts that it did not need to pronounce upon whether the provisions relating to the Gex Zone created a stipulation in favour of a third party , but warned that the existence of such rights should not be lightly assumed : each such claim must be separately examined to determine ‘ whether the States which have stipulated in favour of a third State meant to create for that State an actual right which the latter has accepted as such ’ .
19 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
20 Thus in principle a directive is addressed to the Member State and not to the citizen ; it sets out an object which the Member State is to achieve and leaves it to the Member State to adopt the measures which it considers apt to accomplish that object .
21 From there you pass to the Skipper Gallery to see the many magnificent and delicate objects found on the dig .
22 Later this was revised to the hedging advice to discuss the matter with a social worker before deciding .
23 When approaching white water you should not have too much speed , sheeting out might be necessary , and the weight should move on to the back foot to encourage the nose to lift over the foam .
24 Flicking to the back position selected the bridge pickup , as ever .
25 It led to the rugby club ending the talks .
26 The retained air also regulates the snail 's buoyancy ; adjustments to the chamber volume let the snail rise or sink .
27 The crosslink occurs specifically to the DNA strand containing the 5-fluorocytosine residue ( slow moving band in Figure 5 , lane 5 and absence of this band in lane 2 ) .
28 Now clearly we are not going to join the need to exercise , because Chairman no one has mentioned or drawn attention to the fact that the preamble to the budget paper contains a very distinct warning , that in addition to the estimated resource gap in nineteen ninety four
29 Er , seeing this here , does it mean that anybody that loses er , a vote in a sub-committee can then move it to the budget review to have a second go at winning it ?
30 However , most isolates referred to the reference unit have no apparent association with GUM clinics .
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