Example sentences of "to be [verb] [prep] [subord] the " in BNC.

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1 There would therefore be ample time for them to deploy their mobile radiation monitoring teams , for the police to tour the area , knocking on doors and warning people living nearby , for the protective potassium iodate pills to be issued and for a decision to be made on whether the public should stay indoors until the cloud had passed — or evacuate to a safer place .
2 Complexities arise in the usage of tense , time adverbs and other time-deictic morphemes wherever there is a departure from this assumption , e.g. in letter writing , or the pre-recording of media programmed In that event , a decision has to be made about whether the deictic centre will remain on the speaker and CT , as in ( 51 ) , or will be projected on the addressee and RT , as in ( 52 ) ( Fillmore , 1975 ) : ( 51 ) a .
3 There are a few preliminaries to be seen to before the construction can begin ; these are the winding of inductors L1 , L2 , L3 and the mounting details of the switching transistor TR1 and the flyback diode D1 on small heatsinks which attach directly to the board .
4 I have a couple of things that need to be seen to before the programme goes out . ’
5 To be sent wherever the Imperium wishes ; to be done with as the Imperium chooses ? ’
6 Support for the scanning hypothesis of lateral differences in tachistoscopic recognition came in the form of findings which showed the direction of visual field asymmetry to be related to whether the stimuli are symmetrically shaped ( Bryden , 1968 ) or are presented in normal or in mirror image orientation ( Harcum and Filion , 1963 ) .
7 Even so , all developments were to be costed as if the NHS would be the sole funding agent and that no local authority or housing corporation money would come in .
8 Following further unacceptable behaviour , breach proceedings were started a second time , and the appellant absconded from the hostel ; he was eventually arrested and committed to the Crown Court to be dealt with for the original offences .
9 Nevertheless , Sir , there are some things more fit to be looked at than others ; for instance , there is nothing more fit to be looked at than the outside of a book …
10 If you would be so good as to allow me a bucket of water , provide shirt and breeches , to be paid for when the meeting is over . ’
11 The purchaser will not necessarily wish to be paid as if the income had been taxed .
12 UK Corporation tax and other overseas taxes are to be provided as if the completion account date was an accounting period date with the relevant tax rules apportioned in the ratio of the period from [ date , 19XX ] to completion , to the whole year .
13 UK Corporation tax and other overseas taxes are to be provided as if the completion account date was an accounting period date with the relevant tax rules apportioned in the ratio of the period from [ date , 19XX ] to completion , to the whole year .
14 Ten to one you 'll find that they hate the idea but are going along with it because they do n't want to be thought of as the oldest fuddy-duddy parents in town — little knowing that their consent is the only reason why other parents are being unnecessarily liberal .
15 Last night , Mr Baker dismissed questions about the possibility that interest rates could be raised again and refused to be drawn on whether the pound 's dip below DM3 on the exchange markets during the day signalled a change in policy .
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