Example sentences of "it might [be] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The calf is supposed to miss its mother as it might be said of a 4-year-old child .
2 Well , actually and it might be based on a true story , do n't know if it
3 A Hollywood studio decided it was not safe to make a picture about the peacemaker , Hiawatha , because ‘ It might be regarded as a message for peace and therefore helpful to Communist designs ’ .
4 He recognizes that it might be regarded in a pejorative sense as indicating a readiness to compromise and to accept something inferior , but he uses the term , nevertheless , for the want of a better word and tries to give it a different connotation .
5 In a long dissertation it might be justified as a way of helping your reader remember your starting point ; in a short essay , however , it is redundant and simply shows that you do n't know how to finish .
6 Although it may be easier to like the look of a classical house , few imagine how pleasant it might be to live in a Tudor Revival one which combines quaint picturesqueness with modern practicalities .
7 When humans cut down the forest , it might be replaced by a permanent grassland because the soil itself had been modified in a way that prevented the trees from reseeding themselves .
8 For example it might be forced into a river , bog or straight through a wall .
9 It might be described as a simplified mepacrine , although it belonged to a substantially different chemical class .
10 It might be limiting with a change of address it might not .
11 An opinion made popular by a Dr David Macbride held that scurvy was due to an inadequate supply of fixed air in the human body , and that it might be cured by a dose of that gas .
12 While its report is not so comprehensive as that of Readability Plus , it might be valued for a more succinct appraisal .
13 I suggested that if there was money available from sponsors that was not intended for the development of rugby , then it might be used as a way of rewarding the squad .
14 But it is when it might be used as a springboard against similar action against a member of our own royal family . ’
15 If he was n't careful , it might be taken for a bid , Mungo thought .
16 This generally took place at Easter preceded by confession , often in public , in which the social duty of making restitution for sin was stressed ; it might be succeeded by a parish party which played out at its own level the eternal being of love celebrated in the Mass .
17 Therefore when , in 1926 , the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry ( largely at the instigation of William Beveridge , one of its members ) recommended the introduction of a system of children 's allowances financed by the mining industry itself but with a hint that it might be accompanied by a reduction in wage rates , the Miners ' Federation was only prepared to accept the proposal if financed out of general taxation .
18 Hopes for a ‘ green lung ’ in the heart of the city are fading , particularly since the announcement that Mercedes Benz is to build a huge service centre on Potsdamer Platz , dashing hopes that it might be left as a park or rebuilt as the commercial hub of the city it was before the war .
19 It also suggests , paradoxically , that the less autonomous individuality is thought to be , the more it might be marked by a potentially subversive agency .
20 This had flowered and fruited and , although too late to be included in the Dictionary it might be brought into a later supplement because several new plants had been omitted once their initial letter had been passed in the main work .
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