Example sentences of "it might [adv] [be] [vb pp] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It might reasonably be argued that the single most inflammatory portrayal of Jesus anywhere is in D. H. Lawrence 's The Man Who Dies , published more than fifty years ago , a miniature masterpiece in which Jesus is depicted as having what used to be called ‘ sexual congress ’ with a priestess of Isis in an Egyptian temple .
2 It might reasonably be expected that a child placed in a special class would make more progress after the placement than during a comparable time period before the placement .
3 If the higher rate of detection of M paratuberculosis found in the Crohn 's disease cultures were simply a consequence of the disease process itself , then it might reasonably be expected that the closely related M avium subsp silvaticum would be similarly distributed .
4 It might finally be observed that in its short life , Article 100A , which derogates from Article 100 by allowing the Council to act by qualified majority in co-operation with the European Parliament in order to complete the internal market , has already been used to anticipate new competences expressly recognized in the Maastricht amendments : two of these relate to the encouragement of ‘ trans-European networks ’ and measures in the sphere of energy , yet Article 100A had already been used to enact Council Directive 90/547 on the transit of electricity through transmission grids and Council Directive 91/287 on the transit of natural gas through grids .
5 It might automatically be assumed that because that was the name of our branch , we should be in the public service section and that it why we 've changed the name of the branch to Bristol and District Staff because we are an odds and sods branch .
6 It might also be maintained that the elasticity of the concept of Satya in Indian philosophical thought may well account for these apparent contradictions .
7 It might also be hoped that a fairer distribution of resources would result but that might depend not only on the restraints of the individual care manager 's budget but also on the priority given to dementia .
8 Yet it might also be argued that the major political parties ensured that , despite the attention which Mosley attracted , the fascists were going to be marginalized .
9 It might also be argued that the mandatory life sentence makes a substantial contribution to public safety .
10 It might also be argued that the treatment of language in terms of sentences has been quite successful in revealing how language works , that within the sentence we can establish rules and constraints concerning what is and is not allowed , whereas beyond the sentence , such rules seem either to disintegrate or turn into rules of a different kind — social rules or psychological rules , which are not within the area of linguistic study at all .
11 It might also be argued that despite recent legislation ( some would say because of it ) parent-teacher relations are still too often fraught with fear , suspicion and misunderstanding ; that there is still too much teacher stereotyping of ‘ good ’ and ‘ bad ’ homes and parents ; and that many parents still lack power in relation to their parental rights and responsibilities .
12 From Wright Mills 's position that one does not need to demonstrate directly the existence of the shared ideology and shared objectives , it might also be argued that the corollary is also unnecessary ; that is , that the members ' awareness of the shared ideology is not a necessary condition either .
13 It might also be argued that this provision of free sterile needles might even encourage some drug users to experiment or continue with intravenous use .
14 It might also be argued that it functions as metonymy , in which some element closely associated with the prime function of the whole comes to stand in for it .
15 It might also be argued that the RPF provided de Gaulle with a means of influencing popular and political opinion on critical issues , particularly those relating to foreign affairs .
16 It might also be argued that as an activity and form of visual culture , it is class , gender and culturally specific .
17 It might also be said that the Portland Limestone of southern England is the Tithonian limestone in yet another form , with what is mainly a molluscan fauna of limited diversity .
18 It could even be suggested to him that he leave Vietnam and ‘ take up once more the philosophical studies to which he had devoted a great deal of his previous life ’ , and it might also be suggested that ‘ there would be pension adequate to support him in those studies ’ .
19 It might also be suggested that for officers of an LEA to concentrate time and resources on prescribing how the physical arrangements of classrooms should be attended to represents a rather demeaning view of teachers and heads , whose proper concern such matters undoubtedly are .
20 In discussing the effect produced when event X precedes the CS-US pairing of a conditioning trial , Revusky lays emphasis on the interference that results from the formation of an X-US association ; but it might also be allowed that the formation on an X-CS association plays a role .
21 It might also be thought that seasonal workers would be distinguished from their regular counterparts by special contracts of employment .
22 Admitting this , it might nevertheless be claimed that a person 's consenting entails , as a matter of the meaning of ‘ consent ’ , not only that he acted in the way I have described , but that his action has the purported normative consequences .
23 The idea was to move away from an elitist and centralist view of things , yet it was to be a long time before such changes were implemented in the Government 's media , and it might well be argued that they have not progressed very far to this day .
24 Of course , watching or half-watching a debate is not the same thing as taking part in one , and it might well be argued that level or style of participation does not demand enough of the individual citizen .
25 It might well be argued that a genuine contributor would be prepared to write or share his or her experiences without monetary reward .
26 It might well be argued that the USM , now containing some 900 companies with a market capitalisation of less than £50m , has long outlived it usefulness .
27 In addition to the consumption of resources by the Contra war , it might well be expected that military invasion would harden government attitudes towards those whose actions were deemed anti-social or anti-government .
28 But it might well be thought that if a procession has been regularly held even for such a comparatively short period of time , the police are aware that it is likely to take place , and it is therefore outside the rationale behind the advance notification requirement .
29 The baby can certainly suffer complications if deprived of mother 's milk and it might well be claimed that talk of its missing its mother is a special language-game pointing only to the source of the deprivation , but Singer is certainly not using the phrase with this in mind .
30 It might plausibly be assumed that one of the effects of a long retention interval is to restore the lost arousing properties of a familiar context .
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