Example sentences of "it must [adv] [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 At the risk of wearying the reader it must again be stated that some degree of incestuous feeling exists in most if not all parents and children .
2 To do the navy justice , however , it must again be emphasised that powerful interest could rarely secure promotion for the unqualified , and in the naval service some ability was a prerequisite for advancement .
3 Sexual problems of the child may stem from any of the above considerations , although it must again be stressed that they are not inevitable .
4 It must however be emphasised that these powers can not be used by a solicitors ' incorporated practice to do anything in breach of the Solicitors Act 1974 , the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to incorporated practices — in this regard attention is drawn to the proviso set out in Clause 3(a) .
5 It must however be emphasized that these powers can not be used by a solicitors ' incorporated practice to do anything in breach of the Solicitors Act 1974 , the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to incorporated practices — in this regard attention is drawn to the proviso set out in Clause 3(a) .
6 Millett takes the absence of large saws ( 1983 , p. 198 ) literally and assumes timber would have been split radially ; it must however be noted that tools are generally rare finds during the period and the absence of a surviving saw need not represent the real situation ( Wilson 1968 ; Darrah 1982 ) .
7 ‘ Once in the VAT field it must however be appreciated that a business could go over the 7,200 threshold , as a result of increased business activity or even an increase in the rate of VAT .
8 It must nevertheless be stressed that the figure above is an average ; individual localities often have distinctive patterns , and many Labour dominated authorities do have a high proportion of working-class councillors .
9 It must also be said that a plain boiled ham presented on or off the bone is a delight to the jaded palate and should not be ignored because it remains undistinguished by any special cure .
10 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
11 But it must also be said that Servan-Schreiber 's unwillingness to share the responsibility for management with the centre 's scientists contributed to their subsequent departures .
12 If German anti-Semitism was the ‘ bastard child of the union between German nationalism and Christian anti-Semitism ’ then it must also be said that German nationalism was the offspring of military ambition and industrialisation .
13 ( It must also be said that only about one in ten of the adult population in Britain in teetotal and it could be that at least some people in this group are unwell , rather than the other way round . )
14 Nevertheless , it must also be said that the new revenue at the monks ' disposal served to hasten the building of the new choir of the cathedral , which ( as we shall see ) was one of the major achievements of Anselm 's archiepiscopate .
15 It must also be said that Herbert Casson 's admiration for youth could outbid even Baden-Powell 's undying romanticism : For page upon page , across three issue of Teacher 's World , Herbert Casson went on like this , at the same unrelenting pace .
16 It must also be said that during these early years , in the 1870s , there was little hostile reaction from most of the men .
17 Further , an examination of the impact of Japan 's industrialization on the industrialization of twentieth century South East Asia will identify the importance of the Asian capitalist network in shaping the modern economic growth of the region , as well as some of the ‘ missed opportunities ’ which occurred under European rule from the middle of the nineteenth century : it must also be said that the penetration of Japanese manufactures into South East Asia had destructive as well as constructive implications for the South East Asian economies .
18 It must also be said that they were not alone in their efforts to secure the Francoist state against those it branded as " anti-Spain " .
19 Manager Frank Gray perhaps had a point after the game when he said that luck did n't smile kindly on his side , but it must also be said that Quakers did not utilise the strong wind in the same forthright manner as the home side in the first half .
20 It must also be emphasised that the honorary degree is in a category all its own and is not to be confused with the degree awarded after successful study ; it is not an alternative .
21 To return to the internal structure of Mosca 's elite , it must also be emphasised that this organised elite should not only share attitudes on significant issues but should also be aware of doing so , otherwise they can not properly manage the affairs of state in a responsible and decisive manner .
22 It must also be recognized that hospital admission can prove a particularly daunting experience for someone whose basic life-style is totally different from the British one .
23 On the basis of the experimental data it must also be concluded that the adverse entropy contribution to poly ( A+U ) from U-U stacking is relatively small .
24 However , it must also be recalled that the Prince always hoped that as time went on and his wife 's interests expanded , she would become a figure in her own right , carrying out independent duties .
25 It must also be recognised that ‘ housing need ’ will vary at different periods of women 's and men 's lives .
26 It will be argued that basically these sentences are semantically deviant ; however , it must also be recognised that it is not possible to disentangle semantics from grammar completely .
27 Nonetheless , it must also be recognised that for some students , especially those of a more retiring nature , the break at 16+ can prove very daunting , hence there is a great need for very close co-operation between a Sixth Form college and its feeder schools .
28 However , it must also be recognised that in most cases when English speakers come across an unfamiliar word , they can pronounce it with the correct stress ( there are exceptions to this , of course ) ; in principle , it should be possible to discover what it is that the English speaker knows and to write in the form of rules .
29 It must also be noted that the computer systems generate information and it is how this information is used that influences the returns on the total package .
30 It must also be noted that the Scandinavian interpretation of the water chemistry , in particular the role of acidity and the loss of fish , has been challenged , ’ noted the Commission .
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