Example sentences of "it should not be [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Oh it should n't be allowed and director ca n't walk through the company .
2 I will argue , in this paper that , although valuable information is currently being lost to history , it need not and it should not be lost and the time has come to prevent it .
3 It should not be concluded that intonation is not important for conveying attitudes .
4 Winter savory can be grown from seed sown outdoors in August ; it should not be covered as it needs light to germinate when it will then sprout in about ten days .
5 As a general principle it should not be imagined that all economic , social , and above all political repercussions were of a vertical central — local nature or vice versa .
6 It should not be imagined that the tiny Party élite at either of these provincial levels could maintain a tight hold .
7 On the other hand , it should not be imagined that private industries are immune from such considerations .
8 Yet , while accepting that the working class was wedded to the Labour Party it should not be ignored that such support was also nurtured by a much improved Labour organization , despite Howard 's contrary view .
9 It should not be felt that selling overseas is such a specialist and complex area that the uninitiated must for ever be excluded , or that membership can only be purchased at the expense of having very costly specialist services .
10 With regard to intraepithelial lymphocytes , it should not be noted that in absolute numbers there were fewer surface than crypt intraepithelial lymphocytes , but their densities — that is , intraepithelial lymphocytes per 100 epithelial cells — were higher in surface than in crypt epithelium .
11 It should not be assumed that relationships between the Board and the District were adversarial or competitive at that time .
12 She is right to draw our attention to the importance of signalling in both ‘ actual living and theatre ’ , but it should not be assumed that the same kinds of signs are employed in these two contexts .
13 Of course , it should not be assumed that prescribing of psychotropic medication for such problems actually causes patients to take overdoses .
14 However , it is worth noting that this task of leading housegroups is one of the most difficult in the whole church and it should not be assumed that everyone will be able to do it .
15 It should not be assumed that there will never be circumstances when , notwithstanding the new CGT rules , someone domiciled and resident in the UK should set up an offshore trust .
16 Even so , it should not be assumed that the abolition of public examinations would necessarily put an end to transmission styles of teaching .
17 It should not be assumed that such an argument was merely a cloak for self-interest and greed .
18 Although he was paid a handsome salary by GE to be a morale booster and public relations spokesman , it should not be assumed that his role was merely that of a glad hander , a retired film star capitalizing on a fading reputation .
19 The defection of southern Democrats was essential , but it should not be assumed that this came about automatically , As Stockman makes clear , a whole series of ad hoc coalitions involving many unreliable allies had to be painstakingly constructed .
20 Instead we will discuss together all design variations in each particular field ; within a field it should not be assumed that the more complex facilities are the later ones , since evolution has often been towards simplifying systems from the programmer 's viewpoint .
21 Similarly , it should not be assumed that the discovered attitude is necessarily any ‘ truer ’ than the preceding one , rather as if an unconscious motivation had been dragged from the gloom of the id into the bright light of the ego .
22 This suggests that in studies of material representation it should not be assumed that the consumption of a given group will be represented as a coherent and consistent set of forms .
23 In addition , it should not be assumed that long-term trends in income distribution continue forever : there is evidence that recent years have seen significant changes in these trends in Britain .
24 However , it should not be assumed that these low-cost alternatives can not deliver the same , sometimes better , results when used in conjunction with other software .
25 The outcome is quite unknown but Ceolred was unquestionably the invader and it should not be assumed that Ine won .
26 It should not be assumed that the royal and princely feuds of this period necessarily brought the Northumbrian kingdom into serious governmental disarray .
27 While we have charted the moves away from the more strident outpourings of the 1979 campaign , within the Conservatives ' law and order strategy over the last decade , it should not be assumed that they will not revert to this rhetoric if the need arises .
28 Thus it should not be assumed that older patients with ulcerative colitis have weaker sphincters than younger patients .
29 It should not be assumed that people do not care whose sandwiches they are buying in a BR buffet .
30 The policy of buying off the raiders may often have seemed sensible , and it should not be assumed that he was always criticised for it , even by those who provided the money .
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