Example sentences of "it will [adv] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It will most frequently be used in situations where the defendant has employed some violence against the victim but there is no evidence of injury or where he has threatened her with violence without using a weapon .
2 It will most probably be fixed in place with two screws and a number of plastic clips .
3 And even if an uncommissioned but critical ethnography is not considered to be in breach of the Official Secrets Act , it will most likely be construed as structural espionage and lie in breach of the Police Discipline Code as set out in Police Regulations .
4 To carry out participant observation into the minutiae of police practice might be theoretically approved in any statement made for general consumption , but in the cold light of institutional reality it will most likely be thwarted or subverted even as it is being agreed .
5 No longer in the calendar with a prime week of its own , an event which has only just survived this year through a last minute rescue sponsorship package , will hardly be able to reduce its prize money in 1993 from the $1m it already pays to the Double-Up new minimum of $625,000 , even though it will no longer be guaranteed even one of the top ten ranked or other leading box office players .
6 The programme is being stretched out — it will no longer be finished in 1999 for $8.2 billion , as planned , but perhaps in 2003 , at a cost of $10 billion or so .
7 You will know which pipe is frozen because the tap at the end of it will no longer be working .
8 ‘ For these reasons I think there is a fairly strong case for marketing it as a health product but it will also probably be considered a luxury , ’ Mrs Rowan added .
9 It will not normally be affected by the setting of the current limit control ( VR1 ) unless the circuit has begun to ‘ current limit ’ .
10 It will not normally be used on its own but as a facing or interlayer in composite materials .
11 ‘ If , ’ he says , ‘ the city council grants full planning permission for The Galleries in the next few weeks , it will not simply be shooting itself in the foot but blowing off its entire leg . ’
12 The company says that it will not initially be aiming at the unfamiliar Unix community , instead it has set its sights on its existing customers , and IBM mainframe sites , which are increasingly feeling the push towards Unix .
13 The company says that it will not initially be aiming at the unfamiliar Unix community , instead it has set its sights on its existing customers , and IBM mainframe sites , which are increasingly feeling the push towards Unix .
14 She will give advice compassionately , well aware that it will not always be heeded .
15 Christopher Douglas was to write ( in 1984 ) : ‘ It will probably never be known who leaked the story .
16 Restoration of the former LD & ECR six-wheel , five-compartment coach of 1986 is nearly complete and it will very shortly be taking its place in the Museum Bay of the Matthew Kirtley Building with the Midland ‘ Shotton ’ coach and the Royal Saloon , both already resident there .
17 If this is successful it will almost certainly be extended to other stores .
18 Connections to the soil pipe are more difficult as it will almost certainly be made of cast iron — see page 66 .
19 Yet , whatever the short- and medium-term vicissitudes , it will almost certainly be completed , if only because any other course would be seen , however unreasonably , as a failure of political and diplomatic will on the part of this country .
20 Whatever it contains , it will almost certainly be based on storing power at local government and Westminster level , rather than Stormont .
21 He says that it will almost certainly be left to fend for itself , seeking business abroad .
22 For the optimists , anything that can be insisted upon will be so basic that it will almost inevitably be mastered incidentally , while the class is actually engaged in pursuits that are far more demanding , interesting , varied and relevant .
23 If , for example , a tail follows a tonic syllable that has a rising tone , it will almost always be found that the syllable or syllables of the tail will continue to move upwards from the pitch of the tonic syllable .
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