Example sentences of "it can [adv] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It can probably best be described as the way you are feeling and thinking when you meet any situation .
2 Helping an elderly woman to adjust and to find a new identity is never easy , but it can nearly always be achieved if she is shown that she is still loved and needed , by her family and friends .
3 It can either simply be written somewhere else , or it can become involved in some ‘ action ’ .
4 It can thus only be changed by special procedures , generally ( and certainly for major change ) requiring reference back to the constituent power .
5 Its ‘ transcendence ’ marks the way in which it can similarly never be limited to a finite totality , nor , conversely , to an infinity : .
6 It has a wider removable rear jaw which has three positions ; it can also later be replaced with a Power Tool Table , enabling a circular saw , jigsaw or router to be fixed underneath , and be used in a stationary position .
7 ( i ) As a result of the progress of medical science certain conditions are now so easily diagnosable and treatable , that , although they once carried a mortality , it can no longer be said that they do , unless that mortality is brought on as a result of some wholly unexpected and exceptional circumstance , for example gross negligence on the part of the doctor treating the patient .
8 There is no doubt , of course , that when a given symbol ( irrespective of its " descriptive content " ) is accorded the status of a name , it acquires the privileged position of a representative of the biographical identity of the object it names , and by virtue of this very fact it can no longer be equated with any description , or series of descriptions .
9 Invariably in well-established firms the work continues to flow from long tapped sources , but in the aggressive business climate facing the profession today it can no longer be assumed that this will continue .
10 As soon as Lévi-Strauss shows that the experience on which Sartre bases his philosophy is not a universal one , then the general inferences for all humanity that he draws from it can no longer be justified .
11 Nevertheless , the fact that in recent years some clinicians have had cause to question the cultural background suggests that it can no longer be neglected .
12 Rational arguments and the need for money may keep it submerged but from time to time it is so inflamed that it can no longer be suppressed .
13 However , although this still may be effective in the less-developed world where about 50 per cent of the world 's labour force are still engaged in agriculture ( Grigg , 1976 ) it can no longer be used in the developed world for , as the next section shows , primary employment in most western countries has fallen below 10 or even 5 per cent .
14 The shift to a broader notion of fairness is said to alter fundamentally the basis of procedural intervention : it can no longer be restricted to adjudicative settings , and there can no longer be fixed standards for determining whether there has been a breach of procedural fairness .
15 It is worth getting to know and recognize the small black blob-like chrysalis that adheres to stems and leaf stalks because it can very easily be mistaken for caterpillar or similar droppings and knocked away .
16 It can therefore not be articulated on its own ; it must be spoken through the language of the symbolic , just as in Bakhtin 's ‘ dialogic ’ conception of parody one voice speaks through another which it seeks to undermine .
17 It can perhaps best be viewed as a policy decision .
18 Yet while the maintenance of a degree of competence in two languages is both possible and desirable , it can only conceivably be achieved following a reassessment of present curricular priorities , a recasting of a great deal of current material in school , and a new emphasis on teacher training .
19 When the great house becomes the possession of a nation , it can more easily be accepted as ‘ a noble picture ’ , ‘ a history in stone ’ , preserving in art , if not in life , that radiant aspect of Chesney Wold as Esther first sees it , that remembered notion of human community which has gone for good .
20 At some stage , demand in a particular country grows to the point where it can more profitably be exploited by trade-replacing investments .
21 It stated : ‘ Although the voluntary system , as we have shown , was once the chief form of collective action outside the Poor Law , it can now best be seen in terms of the ways in which it complements , supplements , extends and influences the informal and statutory systems ’ ( p. 26 ) .
22 With the passage of time , I think that it can now safely be revealed that the deciding factor in the failure of the 1989 English/Scottish Institutional merger was the marked reluctance of the Queen Street pipes and drums to convert to Morris-men .
23 This means that it can now only be altered by amendment by leave of the House .
24 For the young , there must have existed an inherited inborn enjoyment of life , for it can fairly safely be assumed that the pleasure experienced by them when at play , so obvious to modern man , must have been observable all through evolution .
25 The criterion for capitalists to scrap old equipment is not whether the machine is physically serviceable — most machinery is withdrawn from use well before it has worn out — but whether it can any longer be operated profitably And the key factor which renders unprofitable the operation of older vintages of machinery is a rise in wage costs .
26 There is nothing special about street-sweeping , and it can as easily be produced by the public or the private sector .
27 Art should identify and condemn injustice and evil , but it can never properly be used to humiliate those , living or dead , who are among the best of our species .
28 Or , perhaps , it can never really be tested at all .
29 It may have been dropped during the run-in to opening in 1692 , to spare the first-night audience too long a wait for the music they had paid to hear in this long-expected opera ; for it can perfectly well be done without .
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