Example sentences of "it can [adv] [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It can probably best be described as the way you are feeling and thinking when you meet any situation .
2 Helping an elderly woman to adjust and to find a new identity is never easy , but it can nearly always be achieved if she is shown that she is still loved and needed , by her family and friends .
3 It can either simply be written somewhere else , or it can become involved in some ‘ action ’ .
4 It can thus only be changed by special procedures , generally ( and certainly for major change ) requiring reference back to the constituent power .
5 Its ‘ transcendence ’ marks the way in which it can similarly never be limited to a finite totality , nor , conversely , to an infinity : .
6 It can not exactly be ascribed as a right of the pupil , however , since he can not ensure that the other schools and so on ask for the record .
7 Nevertheless , the rewritten version conforms so closely to the original , with just isolated words changed , that it can not reasonably be called a paraphrase .
8 Whatever its actual effect , the English wanted at least to make sure that they would not be out of pocket over expansion in America , and the fear that they would lose money was expressed by the economist Charles Davenant when he wrote in 1698 : ‘ it can not reasonably be admitted that the mother country should impoverish herself to enrich the children nor that Britain should weaken herself to strengthen America . ’
9 Yet just because it is so general and common a process , finding its means and occasions and objects in such diverse ways , and again and again interpenetrating with many of the most practical or most ideological activities , it can not reasonably be abstracted to one exclusive set of practices or one exclusive intention or set of intentions .
10 The Plan will be laid down upon the scale of 40 or 50 yards to an inch , — at present it can not well be determined which will be the most eligible .
11 It can not simply be assumed that a parent who is present at the injury of their child has condoned it .
12 The conservative outlook entails a particular conception of God ( and of Christ ) , an understanding of which it can not simply be said that it is held in common by all Christians : something I think often not recognized by conservatives themselves .
13 In the vital chapter ‘ The Shadow of the Past ’ Gandalf says a great deal about it , but his information boils down to three basic data : ( 1 ) the Ring is immensely powerful , in right or wrong hands ; ( 2 ) it is dangerous and ultimately fatal to all its possessors — in a sense there are no right hands ; ( 3 ) it can not simply be left unused or put aside , but must be destroyed , something which can happen only in the place of its origin , Orodruin , Mount Doom .
14 When the uranium fuel has finished its useful life producing electricity inside Britain 's thirty-odd currently operating commercial reactors , it can not simply be disposed of .
15 It can not simply be thought away .
16 Thus the lower-frequency stretching mode of HCN , mainly associated with CN stretching , gives rise to IR absorption so weak that it can not effectively be observed by conventional means .
17 As to the second , there are two fractals in physics whose D is fairly well accounted for , namely the ‘ Brownian ’ drift of a small particle jostled by molecules in a fluid which is an erratic curve with D=2 , and the hierarchy of density fluctuations in a fluid at the critical point where it can not properly be considered as liquid or gas .
18 On the other hand , it will be argued that the large number of arrests points to a malaise of such dimensions that it can not completely be dealt with by a police investigation and that a wider inquiry is called for .
19 Physics as Metaphor is a part of this movement and yet it can not easily be pigeon-holed alongside , for example , Fritjof Capra 's The Tao of Physics .
20 What has come to his rescue is an altogether subtler kind of ideas and information-limitation whose effectiveness is , if anything , enhanced by the fact that it can not easily be explained in terms of conspiracies and blunt propaganda .
21 But it can not plausibly be said that it is wholly impracticable .
22 First , he argued that it is highly artificial to construe all consumption as a response to needs ; while this approach may seem illuminating when it is applied to the consumption of individuals , it can not plausibly be extended to productive consumption , which has to be treated as ‘ the consumption which satisfies the needs of production ’ , if the theory is to be sustained .
23 Western technology has been made to assume a burden which it can not fairly be expected to carry .
24 It can not really be called page makeup but it 's probably more useful for the businessman than any page makeup program .
25 Note that the amber light shall convey the prohibition that vehicular traffic shall not proceed beyond the stop line etc. , except in the case of any vehicle which , when the amber light is first shown , is so close to the said line and signal that it can not safely be stopped before passing the line or signal .
26 However , the complexity of his task is such that it can not readily be summarised in a few words .
27 The constitution of the convention is such that it can not now be amended .
28 It can not possibly be mistaken .
29 And because this issue is clearly so site related , it seems to me it can not possibly be looked at at a strategic level .
30 It can not therefore be stated , as an abstract proposition , that he suffers any detriment from the discharge of that duty ; and the declaration does not show in what way the defendant could have derived any advantage from the plaintiff paying his own debts .
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