Example sentences of "it has [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It has gone to German manufacturer ASI GmbH , and ASI will now supply products to the Tandon sales and marketing subsidiaries in Europe .
2 But apparently smut has never been far away , and in recent years when some crops have been grown from home saved seed which has had no treatment , after two or three years it has appeared with devastating effect .
3 It can be done before it appears on the air , either in a private room or in a theatre , to a large or small audience ; it can be done after it has appeared by personal interview or ( as frequently in the USA ) by telephone .
4 It has to do with short-term planning and public accounting systems , which mean that , although money can in theory be voted for projects over a number of years , in practice , it usually arrives in annual dribs and drabs .
5 In short , what this has to do with modern poetry is very clear ; what it has to do with modern criticism is not clear at all , since that criticism has , as we have seen , no vocabulary for dealing with it , and moves further and further from finding such a vocabulary , the more it takes its lead from linguisticians like Saussure and Jakobson .
6 The Department of Theology and Religious Studies offers two aspects of theology : doctrine as it has emerged in Christian tradition , and the relation of theology to influences from philosophy , other contemporary studies , and atheistic alternatives .
7 It dates to about 1780 and looks as if it has landed by magic carpet .
8 If an outline idea has been discussed over the lunch table ring up to carry it further , and if you have floated an idea by post and have heard nothing phone up to see if it has fallen on stony ground .
9 It has remained of particular interest because its canon seven was the first to declare the marriage of clerics not only unlawful but invalid .
10 It has participated in American Petroleum Institute [ API ] committees and task groups , in order to develop specifications currently in use today .
11 Either its organisation is in so parlous a condition that it has to rely on active service units of such incompetence that they can not place bombs and give effective warnings .
12 If any good has come out of the Mandy 's story , it is the barrage of publicity it has provided on under-age sex .
13 Like other groups it has diversified into fast food ( Happy Eater ) and hotels .
14 ‘ Try a selection from the Desert Song , topped up with a few choruses of Cool clear Water , Midnight at the Oasis or Caravans which may convince your bird that it has come to wrong place .
15 At this price it has come under increasing pressure from the Commodore Amiga , which starts at the same price and attracts similar discounts .
16 Arrested larvae accumulate during the spring and where Type II disease has been reported it has occurred in late summer or early autumn .
17 Apart from North Sea projects on the drawing board , progress is expected during 1993 towards the development of the huge Mars discovery it shares with Shell in the Gulf of Mexico and the oil reserves it has established by pioneering exploration work in Colombia .
18 It has resulted in Christian mission being caricatured as denominational aggrandisement , or a plan for survival for western-based churches and their related mission agencies .
19 Queen Mary 's Hospital at Sidcup has cancelled all waiting-list surgery for ‘ at least ’ five weeks after more patients than planned were treated in the first five months , producing a £205,000 overspend on top of £200,000 it has to find for under-funded pay awards and other pressures .
20 Another group , the Ridgewood-Bushwick Senior Citizen Council , has been around for years without promising amenities like that ; one of Bushwick 's biggest employers , it has stuck to various welfare and housing services .
21 This time it has circulated for public comment drafts of five documents .
22 In this expansion of the policy side of regionalism , it resembles the policy aspects of planning , which should not be surprising since where regionalism as policy has had most impetus , it has originated from central planning concerns .
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