Example sentences of "it had [vb pp] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Hong Kong economy performed poorly in the first half of 1990 , but not nearly as badly as in the second half of 1989 when it had suffered from the international reaction to the upheavals in China .
2 Iris held it in front of her nose , showing the scratches and scuff marks it had collected during the nerve-racking passage to Fernand 's cave .
3 Just as it was consolidating its gains , however , the Party was forced to make another somersault , which largely destroyed the advantages it had secured through the various Unity campaigns .
4 In spite of the sacrifice it had made for the High Dam at Aswan , whose turbines generated megawatts of electrical power , Wadi Half a still had no electricity .
5 Turning to the specific task on hand , he commended the gas turbine division as a whole for the great strides it had made over the last few years and stressed the important role that LTS had played in the division 's growth .
6 The main loser in the election was Rengo-no-Kai , a loose political movement backed by Japan 's largest labour organization , which , shortly after its formation in 1989 , had won 11 of the 12 seats which it had contested in the upper house elections .
7 Whatever mischief Pie'oh'pah had worked upon his system it had cleared by the following morning — his eyes were operating normally , and he was lucid enough to deal with the practicalities of departure — but the echoes of what he 'd experienced still reverberated .
8 With these resignations by Mahmut Alinak and Mahmut Uyanik the SHP now contributed only 70 seats to the ruling coalition which it had formed with the True Path Party ( DYP ) [ see also pp. 38739 ; 38873 ] .
9 His self-conscious gaucheness vanished as if it had evaporated in the thin cold air of the mountains and he found friends .
10 For studying the economy it matters little whether the population of England in the 1520s had recovered to the level it had reached before the Black Death .
11 By 1990 it had gone through the familiar process : what started as a compromising fudge had been rationalized as yet another creative act of policy , fitting in with its unique character to a harmonious pattern of public service broadcasting .
12 And this , in spite of some effort on my part to prevent it , led to the subject of science fiction , and where it had gone since the original efforts of Swift and Verne and H. G. Wells .
13 May we not reasonably suppose that it had migrated from the central regions of this vast continent , which has yet much in store for future discovery ?
14 But many had not been settled , and Britain had a list of 50 names it had presented to the Soviet authorities .
15 She could control that by reminding herself of the terrible consequences it had led to the first time .
16 Clarke virtually admitted that he did not believe that these important issues should be discussed in public when he defended the government 's decision not to publish the advice on science funding which it had received from the Advisory Board for the Research Councils .
17 The French crown , it is rightly argued , had a definite policy with relation to the sea which it had followed since the early thirteenth century .
18 The Belgian Prime Minister Wilfried Martens announced on June 16 that the government had officially tied the franc to the D-Mark , formalizing the practice it had followed for the past four years .
19 I remembered about acid rain , and what it had done to the noseless bishops in their crumbling niches , and the warning notices on this boarded-off turret : Condemned …
20 However , Europe made it clear that it would continue to defer to the leadership of the United States in the ‘ peace process ’ , as it had done in the 1970s .
21 The population of the capital grew dramatically in the 18th and 19th centuries , just as it had done in the 17th , and despite the fact that its death rate was higher than the national average .
22 The German explanation for the invasion of Belgium and Holland on 10 May 1940 — that it had been necessary in order to forestall a breach of neutrality by the enemy — carried less conviction than it had done in the Scandinavian operation .
23 When human life could be expected to last two or three times as long as it had done in the Middle Ages , great changes were bound to occur in the way men thought about themselves .
24 Damaged by the Gulf crisis and still without having achieved electoral reform , Kaifu 's position by the end of 1990 looked considerably less secure than it had done in the immediate aftermath of the February elections .
25 But he was in a sense revivified : his heart withstood the weakening effect of his illnesses much better than it had done in the same period of the previous year , and this was the first winter for some time when he had not been forced to seek treatment in a clinic .
26 Mr Fallon said the Government was providing much more money for training than it had done in the last recession in the '80s .
27 The basic logic of her programme since 1979 had been to reverse the main lines of her country 's history as it had developed since the Second World War .
28 The Chief Officer needed to contribute to this work and to help the Council maintain the influence in higher education it had developed in the previous six years , and to develop public awareness of the Council 's aims and activities .
29 This exhibited in an outward and visible form the power of the papacy as it had developed by the late twelfth century .
30 The office looked as if it had fallen under the same spell of passing time as Dexter , and been unoccupied for weeks rather than hours — the motes of dust , the grime of London gently settling on files , videotapes and yellowing newspapers .
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