Example sentences of "it had [been] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Meanwhile , in its home area of Macedonia it had been replaced by the Cyrillic alphabet , named after Cyril , even though he probably played no direct part in its development .
2 Nor can I forgive her for having blocked Moira 's appointment as BBC Governor for the Arts after it had been cleared by the Home Office .
3 It had been placed on the right-hand side of the green , guarded by two bunkers .
4 In December 1920 , during a US Senate Sub-Committee hearing in Washington , one of the cable companies publicly revealed the duress under which it had been placed by the British Government .
5 Hitherto , it had been achieved by the male cells swimming through water , a process which demanded that the sexual generation be small and close to the ground .
6 He had to belly-land his aircraft on return to land , as it had been damaged in the starboard engine and undercarriage !
7 Well when when it was first read by erm it was mentioned that it had been written by the Green Party by radio four and the Guardian and the Independent .
8 Originally it had been built on the usual pattern , a tiny square hallway , with doors to either side leading into the two ‘ front ’ rooms , and a steep enclosed stair up to the twin bedrooms under the pitch of the roof But someone , fairly recently , had done a job of conversion ; the two downstairs rooms were thrown into one , with the staircase half dividing them .
9 It had been built on the seaward side of a small cottage that had evidently existed before it .
10 But it was Raynor who told her things about the Castle she did not know ; how it had been built for the first High Queen of all , and how the ancient pure magic had been woven into its walls .
11 It had been built in the late eighteenth century , two storeys high , shallow slate roof , red brick , seven windows set in ashlar along the upper floor , six below and the front door set centrally under a portico and pillared porch .
12 It had been built in the depression of 1870 — when most villagers were out of work — by the Countess of Saracen , whose birthday was still celebrated , and a mass said for her soul in the local Church of St Peter .
13 It had been built in the 1860s , to take advantage of the sudden influx of visitors provided by the arrival of the London , Chatham and Dover Railway at Broadstairs .
14 We had often seen its crumbling ramparts from a distance , and had assumed it was Dutch , but now learnt that it had been built by the islanders , long before the Europeans .
15 It was also the first to be held since the redecoration of the Tuileries had restored the palace to its former splendour ; this it had lost not only because it had been ransacked by the mob in 1848 , but also because it had become shabby during the reign of Louis-Philippe .
16 This had existed from 1919 to 1934 , when it had been incorporated into the new Chechen-Ingush ASSR .
17 Documentary checks might be supplemented with results of site inspections to discover whether equipment was stored solely on site , whether it had been incorporated into the works , whether stage payments had been made on time and for the agreed amount .
18 The court held that the exemption clause , though it had been incorporated in the auction sales , had not been incorporated in the later sale by private treaty .
19 This residue has no doubt lost the shape of dividends , share warrants or the like but so would the entire income of the fund if it had been lodged in the same way with the Respondent 's bankers .
20 It had been erected in the second half of the second century to house c number of specialist kilns and furnaces , but clearly overlay the remains of earlier bonfire kilns and spreads of potters ' clay .
21 Bushes sagged loosely beneath it ; and the masonry at the crown of the arch showed paler than on either curve , as though it had been exposed to the air longer , perhaps concealed by the sheltering broom .
22 You know he was that tramp must have been an honest man because father said there was quite a little of sovereigns in that , and so I suppose it had been given to the parish and had seen that the man was properly buried , and then they discovered that he was an Aberdonian .
23 He argued that it could be implied that it had been given with the intention that it should be used to promote the policy and objects of the enabling act .
24 " Income " includes income chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise ( UK source income ) and any income which would be chargeable if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom .
25 The term includes : ( i ) any income chargeable to income tax by deduction at source or otherwise ( first limb ) and any income which would have been chargeable to income tax if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom ( second limb ) ( s681(1) ( a ) ) ; [ ( ii ) where the amount of the income of any body corporate has been apportioned ( ie shortfalled ) under Schedule 16 to FA 1972 or could have been so apportioned if the body corporate were incorporated and resident in any part of the United Kingdom , so much of the income of the body corporate for that year or period as is equal to the amount which has been or could have been so apportioned to the trustees of or a beneficiary under the settlement ( s681(1) ( b ) ) [ abolished in relation to income of bodies corporate for accounting periods beginning after 31 March 1989 by FA 1989 , Sched 17 , Part V ] ] .
26 any income chargeable to income tax by deduction or otherwise ( first limb ) ; and 2. any income which would have been so chargeable if it had been received in the United Kingdom by a person domiciled , resident and ordinarily resident in the United Kingdom ( second limb ) .
27 Nothing quite like it had been seen on the Allied side hitherto .
28 At the former , stone-robbing had effectively removed the crucial junction on the steeply sloping ground ; at the gate , it remained unclear whether the wall was already in existence or whether it had been constructed at the same time .
29 A small , elegant building , it had been constructed in the last century by the Sanvitale family , who had always been passionate lovers of music and theatre .
30 The target may make the usual response just as if it had been charged in the normal manner .
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