Example sentences of "it had [adv] been [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 On Jan. 16 the Central Commission on the Population and House Census announced the continuation of the census in areas where it had not been completed by Jan. 14 .
2 It had not been predicted by any of the models simulating potential pollution effects on the stratosphere .
3 The abolition of Pomgol was greeted with so many protests from the affected areas of Russia that Kalinin had to issue two statements in which he tried to show the stricken population that it had not been abandoned by the government .
4 The strike was continued for another four days , partly to show that it had not been panicked by the killings into throwing up its responsibilities and partly to ensure that persons on unemployment insurance and social benefits received payment for a full week .
5 He said it had not been spotted by one of the operatives .
6 Dedicated to a papal chaplain , John , priest and monk , perhaps of Pomposa , it had not been commissioned by the pope but was a private collection of decisions of the pope 's first four years .
7 On occasions , wage pressure exploded in very sharp increases , especially where it had previously been compressed by incomes policies .
8 It had already been shown by Lewis to Dent , publisher of Dymer , who rejected it .
9 Obviously it had n't been planted by Marshall ; the weed was the remains of a previous year 's crop .
10 Clara pointed out that it had n't been donated by her father in the first place , but by Aunt Doris , as birthday presents , over the past seventeen years .
11 Although he was driven away by the defenders of the city of St Stephen 's with derisive shouts of " We do not want this man to reign over us " , he was able to capture the castle of Aixe , which was so lightly garrisoned that it had clearly been abandoned by Henry and Richard .
12 It had also been cut by a culvert originally containing a wooden box drain , which might be connected with the provision of the sandstone-lined drains further east .
13 It had also been exploited by the re-election campaign team of President Bush , which had sought to portray the Democrat majority in Congress as responsible for sabotaging the Republican administration 's domestic policy initiatives .
14 The Corporation of the City of London had long maintained a non-denominational burial ground , though it had predominantly been used by Dissenters .
15 It had just been wiped by a sullen black woman in a nylon overall , from whom the sergeant tried in vain to extract a smile , and the police officers sat back to allow it to dry before resting their elbows on the surface .
16 It had long been suspected by the western powers that Russia was developing an atomic bomb , and in 1951 such a bomb was tested in the U.S.S.R.
17 Before him it had sometimes been questioned by dissident groups .
18 It had originally been made by the BBC , which declined to show it after pressure from the Home Office .
19 Although it had originally been derided by the other parties , it was now a local success story , backing businesses which employed a total of 2,500 people , and had gained all-party support .
20 It had originally been proposed by James Madison in 1789 as one of a package of 12 measures , 10 of which were quickly approved and became the Bill of Rights .
21 Bathed in the bright sun of Italy and glittering with social and commercial success , it seemed to her that it had always been menaced by dark shadows , many of which , Constance sometimes thought , had sprung up almost to punish her for leaving this remote area so early in her adult life .
22 Children used to leave out hay for the kings ' horses and wake up to find it had mysteriously been replaced by presents .
23 This is not proof , of course , that there was no reasonable expectation of trouble ; the late announcement of the ban , however , gave credence to the assumption that it had only been prompted by the Apprentice Boys march , and that the Government , as in Dungannon , was allowing a loyalist organisation to manipulate the situation so that an opposition demonstration would be banned .
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