Example sentences of "it was write [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Newcastle sold Gascoigne to Tottenham Hotspur four years ago for a record £2m , and it was written into the deal that the Tyneside club would receive a ten percent cut of any future transfer profit over £2m .
2 It was written on the back of the paint bill from the shop , and she had a sudden vision of Leo hunting frantically round in the dark for something to write on .
3 It was written on the wall just above my head :
4 Conrad 's Heart of Darkness is the first English modernist novel , it was written at the break of the century , a time of great change and movement ( for example , electricity , airplanes , telephone were all invented , democracy and freud emerged . )
5 Yeah but I , I think that 's the importance basically I mean reading through this it 's very easy to sort of in , in a way you know go , go to this point of view because it was written at the time , but I mean we , we still now that it was a very sort of say left wing point of view
6 ‘ We say that the letter was written by Paula Gilfoyle but it was written at the defendant 's request and dictation and no such person as Nigel existed .
7 Their distinctive features have been chronicled ( with evident pride ) by Schaffer ( 1970 ) and Evans ( 1972 ) ; the first because , as a civil servant , he had been much associated with the programme , the second because it was written for the Town and Country Planning Association , long the champions of planned dispersal .
8 For example , a close reading of the entry ‘ Maître de musique ’ in Meude-Monpas 's dictionary suggests that it was written with the art of Pierre-Montan Berton ( 1727-80 ) in mind : the article concludes with a eulogy to him as ‘ a sovereign master of the orchestra ’ , i.e. at the Paris Opera from 1755 .
9 It was written with the help of Buckingham Palace employees .
10 Was it so much better than anything else I 've read on Hawking because it was written with the sensitivity and understanding of someone suffering from a disability in some ways similar to his ?
11 It was written over the entrance , gold letters on purple gloss on red brick .
12 It was written by the Local Government Commission , which suggests scrapping the County Council and replacing it with four all powerful Unitary Councils .
13 Somehow she managed to keep her self-control , opened it at the right page and began reading it slowly , as though she had never seen it before , although she knew every word by heart — because it was written from the heart .
14 It is in such conditions that we should look for an explanation of the outcrop in the 1860s of sensational popular fiction , replete with desertion , adultery , bigamy and sudden death ; much of it was written from the woman 's point of view by women writers , such as Mary Braddon , Rhoda Broughton and Mrs Henry Wood .
15 The memorandum gave that impression , but it was written in the light of developments occasioned by the European revolutions of 1848 .
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