Example sentences of "it was [vb pp] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well forgive me , the , the reason for that is , it was explained at the time if one 's going to defend the decision of where you 're going to put your roads , then you 've got in reality look at all them options ridiculous some they will be , whether they dig tunnels under the Orwell or knocking down Wordsworth Road I mean it 's all got to be looked at .
2 In separate developments it was confirmed at a UK House of Commons defence committee on Nov. 8 , that low-level flying in the UK after 11 pm was to be increased during 1990 .
3 It was hidden at the bottom of a drawer , remember .
4 This exhibition has been sent from the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York , where it was seen at the end of last year in a larger version and under the title ‘ Celebrating Calder ’ .
5 And it was done at the convent hospital , where the anaesthetist there , not only gave this gentlemen a general anaesthetic but also a spinal anaesthetic as well .
6 It was undertaken at the request of the school by John Swain and Carole Thirlaway ( from the local polytechnic ) and involved the following steps :
7 Begun as a Romanesque basilica in 1200 , it was completed at the west end in Gothic style about 1350 .
8 But we actually needed a procedure , that procedure was followed as best we could by borrowing another rule and it was achieved at the end of the day .
9 Yesterday it was played at a meeting of wildlife agencies called in Kirkwall to discuss the best way to move the whales out of Scapa Flow .
10 Worcester was well-positioned to fulfil this role , for it was sited at the edge of an arable area to the south and east and a pastoral zone to the north and west .
11 Ruotolo apparently submitted , but then published a pamphlet attacking current exegesis , especially as it was taught at the Biblicum .
12 It was situated at the bottom of York Street along with Edward , Vulcan and Howard Streets , York Street ran off Cleveland Street beside the main rail line .
13 Throughout the Middle Ages it was situated at the centre of a major marcher lordship , guarding one of the principal river crossings from southern England into Wales .
14 Luckily , this was not damaged by the hurricane because it was kept at the EAA Museum in Oshkosh .
15 Mr Jones did n't have the key ; it was kept at the ambulance station , whose staff would be told to lend it for the purpose required .
16 A STOLEN caravan was stripped of over £2,000 worth of property when it was stored at an East Durham farm , a court heard yesterday .
17 In fact events have developed rapidly in the last few weeks and it was announced at a Committee meeting on Monday 1st June that we had every hope of opening the museum by the end of the month .
18 However , on March 25 it was announced at the CSCE summit that a meeting on a ceasefire would take place between Azerbaijan , Armenia and Nagorny Karabakh in parallel with the CSCE peace conference .
19 The Fleet , it was decided at a meeting of CIS Defence Ministers ( excluding Azerbaijan and Moldova ) , would not form part of the CIS strategic forces .
20 It was decided at the Brdo kod Kranja meeting to hold by the end of May a separate referendum in each republic except Slovenia , which had already voted overwhelmingly for independence in a referendum in December 1990 [ see p. 37924 ] .
21 Because of the uncertainties , and to forestall the predicted developments , it was decided at the Committee stage of the Bill to redraft it to ensure that these were explicitly within the new law .
22 He submitted that it was reached at a time when the essential principles of the law of negligence were established and properly represented the result of the application of those principles .
23 It was reached at the CSCE 's third Conference on the Human Dimension , held in Moscow on Sept. 10-Oct. 4 [ see p. 38458 for opening ] .
24 It was given at a time of full employment and full employment persisted into the post-war world .
25 Now then you was put on Premeren it was given at the hospital , was n't it ?
26 It was given at the launching of what was Britain 's largest liner at the time , the S.S. Aquitania .
27 Of course this famous pamphlet was a much more practical political publication than The German Ideology and it was written at a time of tremendous political ferment .
28 Conrad 's Heart of Darkness is the first English modernist novel , it was written at the break of the century , a time of great change and movement ( for example , electricity , airplanes , telephone were all invented , democracy and freud emerged . )
29 Yeah but I , I think that 's the importance basically I mean reading through this it 's very easy to sort of in , in a way you know go , go to this point of view because it was written at the time , but I mean we , we still now that it was a very sort of say left wing point of view
30 ‘ We say that the letter was written by Paula Gilfoyle but it was written at the defendant 's request and dictation and no such person as Nigel existed .
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