Example sentences of "it was [verb] into the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Placing the egg in the palm of his right hand , Vic let it roll up his forearm and then jerked his elbow so that it was propelled into the air .
2 This aircraft subsequently underwent numerous design changes before it was incorporated into the Type 4 jet aircraft , which enjoyed later fame as the DeHavilland Comet .
3 whereby the feminine body was analyzed … as being thoroughly saturated with sexuality ; whereby it was integrated into the sphere of medical practices , by reason of a pathology intrinsic to it ; whereby , finally , it was placed in organic communication with the social body , whose regulated fecundity it was supposed to ensure … the Mother , with her negative image of ‘ nervous woman ’ , constituted the most visible form of this hysterization .
4 ( Quite how he had come by this weapon , since it was cast into the lake at the conclusion of that great king 's reign , is not recorded ! )
5 It still retained the same dark blue colour that it had when it was stamped into the passport by a British policeman 32 years earlier ; last exit from Palestine .
6 Newcastle sold Gascoigne to Tottenham Hotspur four years ago for a record £2m , and it was written into the deal that the Tyneside club would receive a ten percent cut of any future transfer profit over £2m .
7 The Lanc that been allocated to the RAF Museum was PA474 and after the end of its active life it was flown into the Museum 's storage and restoration facility at Henlow on September 25 , 1964 , to await the opening of a new museum .
8 Some evidence has already been offered in this and the previous chapter of the rise of provincial radical dissent within antislavery ; much of it was channelled into the BFASS from its beginnings in 1839 .
9 In the fifth century it was converted into the Church of S. George and the dome decorated by mosaics , few of which remain .
10 From the thirteenth century , when it was introduced into the court during the Yuan dynasty in China , the goat 's eyelid , or happy ring , became a popular sex aid .
11 It was taken into the Gilgamesh series from an older work the Atrakhasis Epic ( see " Other Creation Accounts " ) .
12 For example in a database containing the full text of literary works , each work will be protected in its own right and the duration of protection for that work will be based on the life of the author plus fifty years , or in the case of an Act of Parliament ( subject to Crown Copyright ) 125 years from the end of the calendar year during which it was created , and not from the time it was entered into the database .
13 Six years after its creation it was transformed into the county of Cleveland by the addition of Hartlepool and other parts of south-east Durham and a small area of north-east Yorkshire
14 I was hoping they would find my curling stone , the one that I lost that night that Stewart Candless 's Metalurjic or whatever it was went into the loch .
15 A supply of gas was carried in a special container attached to the plough , and it was released into the soil through hollow tines on the two rotors .
16 It was urged into the air again , kicking out with its back legs , seeming to hang there motionless , and then on hind legs it walked several steps forwards .
17 There is an issue as to whether it was cemented into the plinth
18 Oregano is derived from the Greek cros , mountain and ganos , joy , beauty , and in Greece it was woven into the crown worn by bridal couples on their wedding day .
19 ‘ I fired at the car because it was going into the rest of my team , endangering their lives . ’
20 That had changed tremendously , so easy it was to get into the country , that I went in and out of the border about three times , because having got into Yugoslavia , I realized I had some Italian currency , so I drove out again , spent my Italian currency , and drove back again .
21 At the graveside their parents , Garry and Maeve , held each other tightly and whispered ‘ I love you ’ to each coffin as it was lowered into the ground .
22 Then it was drawn into the light cast by a battery of exterior spot lamps .
23 There is , for instance , no recorded order to seize Rivers ' land , but its forfeiture was effective by 28 May ( when money from it was paid into the exchequer ) and on the following day a steward was appointed for the earl 's Norfolk land .
24 There is , for instance , no recorded order to seize Rivers ' land , but its forfeiture was effective by 28 May ( when money from it was paid into the exchequer ) and on the following day a steward was appointed for the earl 's Norfolk land .
25 It was fashioned into the likeness of a golden jukebox , inset with precious metals and gemstones .
26 Canongate had its own Tolbooth , which has survived because it was set into the building line instead of blocking the thoroughfare .
27 Yes well it 's being suggested by the plaintiff that in fact it was shoved into the back behind his right ear like like I 'm doing with my fingers .
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