Example sentences of "it is [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was never going to be a replacement for his wife , just a diversion , and I hope that , if he thinks of me at all , it is with the same shiver of half-remembered pleasure with which I think of him .
2 It might make sense to the financial director faced with a demand which far outweighs supply ; after all , this recycling of other houses ' wines is perfectly legal , but it is at the same time deliberately hoodwinking the public .
3 As the disturbance goes more deeply into the organism from the physical to the emotional plane , from the emotional to the mental and finally to the spiritual , it is at the same time becoming higher up in the organism as it is pictured diagrammatically in Figure 3 .
4 It is at the same time hovering between styles .
5 That she is so is essentially an untruth , but it is at the same time a socially undeniable fact , even today , although it was probably a more widespread one 20 odd years ago .
6 It is an irony that as the government makes great claims about its job creation record for West Belfast it is at the same time in the process of running down some major sources of employment in the area , most notably the Royal Victoria Hospital .
7 It is at the same time stressed , however , that it is not the " true function of literature " to engage with the contemporary " social problem " .
8 Mr Salmond said : ‘ I find it quite incredible that on the day this bungling Government is desperately trying to scramble out of a hole on pit closures , it is at the same time drilling itself into a well on oil jobs .
9 The personal waste and the loss of all that resource of experience is as humanly catastrophic as the crashing of Brazilian rainforests , and it is on the same level of abandonment .
10 It is for the same reasons that I would now support the denationalization of British Rail .
11 At its own level of ultra-miniaturization , it is of the same order of elaborateness and complexity of design as the human eye is at a grosser level .
12 It is about the same size as Rye .
13 It is about the same size as its jungle relative , weighing up to 100 lb ( 45 kg ) and measuring , nose to tail , as much as 7 ½ ft ( 2.3 m ) .
14 It is about the same risk as my drive from Oxford to London to take part in the jump . ’
15 Intellectual : There is some evidence for " state-dependent learning " which results in the brain being best able to recall factual information and practical skills when it is in the same state as when that information was first learnt or skill first practised .
16 It is in the same field as the star 41 Capricorni ( 5.5 ) and is close to the limit of visibility with binoculars ; I have never seen it clearly without a telescope .
17 Delta is of type K , and with × 7 or higher magnification is very clearly orange ; it is in the same field as Pi ( 4.4 ) which is a red star of class M. Epsilon ( 3.7 ) is one of the very closest stars , at 10.7 light-years .
18 It is in the same field with Sigma .
19 It is in the same field with Alpha ; look past the fainter star 1 Trianguli , and at about an equal distance beyond it , in the direction of Beta Andromedæ , you will see M33 as a fairly large , dim haze .
20 With most binoculars it is in the same field with Gamma Sagittæ , but is just out of the field with × 20 .
21 It is in the same league as other Landmark hotels , such as the Grande in Paris or the Carlton in Cannes .
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