Example sentences of "it is [verb] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " It is stated to this Meeting that the Lint Miln is keep 'd in very bad order , and that it is insufficient to manufacture the Lint of the Parish independent of the Lint of the whole Island .
2 It is balanced at this point , and each space to the right of " 0 " has a corresponding space , or partner , to the left of " 0 " .
3 It is conceded in this study ( Hegarty et al . ,
4 If a waterproofing compound is to be added , it is done at this stage .
5 where it is seen to this day
6 If it is seen in this way the burden for change rests with black staff and not with the white staff and institutions which perpetuate discrimination and racism .
7 The interior certainly does look light , though it is assisted in this respect by the Cathedral eastern Gothic rose .
8 Its date is uncertain but is thought to have been about 9Myr , and it is placed at this date on the phylogeny in Box 3 ( identified as SH ) .
9 It is turned in this action towards the meagre amount of light , light which has a density and texture not often seen in real life , created by filling the air with smoke and piercing it with tungsten light .
10 ‘ The contract between mortgagor and mortgagee , as it is understood in this court , makes the mortgage a security , not only for principal and interest , and such ordinary charges and expenses as are usually provided for by the instrument creating the security , but also for the costs properly incident to a suit for foreclosure or redemption .
11 It is argued in this book that in many areas of the world where environmental fragility is an outstanding characteristic , there is a failure to adapt to a variety of new and related pressures , particularly population pressure and increased state intervention which is often extractive in nature , and also that such technically state-sponsored innovations that there are , tend to be inappropriate or inaccessible .
12 It is argued in this study that although the courts did matter , they often failed to operate in the ways intended by British policy-makers .
13 At one point the path crosses the River Almond , and will eventually link up with the Almond Walkway once it is extended to this point .
14 The arrow with a large tip is placed across the right shoulder of the hero , but it is not clear how it is sustained in this position .
15 Again , since it is assumed by this act of faith that all individuals are equal in the sight of God , man or both , then dissent must be tolerated and each has the right to put his own point of view .
16 The consensus among observers has been that IBM Corp will find it needs to cut many more than the 25,000 positions it is targeting for this year , so there was little surprise when both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal last week came out with independent stories saying the cuts would go much higher .
17 This is because it knows how desperately it is threatened by this disease .
18 Just how difficult it is to move beyond this kind of thinking can be seen from Statement B. Here the principle of continuity is rooted directly in the process of generational transmission .
19 1812 " It is proposed that the Clergymen of the Island shall … convene the poor of their respective Parishes , & to such as they find needy , to issue a Ticket of his or her name & Parish Written thereon , who only should be served as the Poor , & impostures excluded — It is Represented to this Meeting that a number of Beggars keep dogs at home and abroad — and as Scarcity is apprehended , it is considered proper that every person should this year Discharge every unnecessary Dog … "
20 Most of the energy is thrown out of the exhaust pipe and in heat loss from the radiator , and in a erm small losses in friction inside the engine and gearbox , but most of it is lost in this conversion from heat from burning petrol into the mechanical energy of the rotating energy .
21 Finally , the variety of ways in which linguistic terms have been applied to literary narrative suggests that even in the most linguistically conscious theories of literature , the role of linguistics remains subservient : it can never supply literary analysis with prescriptive procedures when it is operating at this level of the literary text .
22 This is stored in the directory \Windows and all you have to do to run it is to change to this directory and type MSD .
23 The name of the Spanish sherry Manzinilla means " little apple " , and it is flavoured with this plant .
24 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
25 ‘ The action is an action for money had and received ; and it is brought upon this ground ; namely , that the money was paid to the defendant without any consideration ; the duty , for which , and in respect of which he received it , not having been imposed by lawful or sufficient authority to warrant the same .
26 It is recommended in this case that the user regresses to the safe copy taken before LIFESPAN ABLE was executed .
27 It seems unlikely that many cases will occur now in relation to the old law , and therefore it is omitted from this book .
28 It is proposed in this plan to lay down all the streets , squares , spaces , courts , lanes , yards , passages , fields , gardens , etc. , etc. , in such a manner as to express the exact dimensions of every regularly bounded plot of land in the township of Manchester and Salford , that will fall within that square which shall be judged the most proper to encompass it .
29 Irrespective of which view a person takes concerning Purgatory , whether it is found in this life before death or is arrived at in the next life after death there is agreement as to the purpose of Purgatory namely that it is a place where cleansing from sin takes place .
30 On the other hand , it is argued ( E. R. Dew , 56 Lqw Society 's Gazette 365 ) that the most likely ‘ other reason ’ for which an agreement might be void or unenforceable , apart from containing a provision against application to the court , would be precisely the want of consideration if the agreement be not under seal ; the legislature , it is urged on this view , would not have made inroads on the fundamental requirement of valuable consideration in a contract not under seal , by a provision purporting to deal with the maintenance rights of a wife .
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