Example sentences of "it is [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is related to the development of a resurgent caldera to the south of Snowdon and is considered to be of late stage fumerolic origin as it predates the Caledonian deformation ( Reedman and others , 1985 ) .
2 It is related to the hedgehog , or rather it belongs to the same family of insectivores .
3 It is related to the ability of the plant to make use of the radiation currently being absorbed in photosynthesis .
4 The results provide information on the elastic modulus E since it is related to the square of the resonance frequency by where c is a numerical constant , L is the free length of the sample , D is its thickness , and ρ is the sample density .
5 The nail is an indirect object because it is related to the verb through the preposition — on .
6 This is an important consideration since it is related to the choice of target client group , and the critical importance of monitoring and repeated assessment as part of the process .
7 Yet in many ways recently released Home Office papers on the IFL and the NL , particularly when it is related to the information in the Board of Deputies Archives , gives us much-needed new information on these matters .
8 It is related to the conurbation and to the inner city , but it is also post-coal .
9 So I , I was very moved to find that this has arrived and I do n't think it 's romantic nonsense , I think it is related to the business of getting people together locally .
10 Inequality has always been a politically contested issue for it is related to the distribution of power and resources in society .
11 Ayrshire 's contribution is even more impressive when it is related to the county 's small population figures at the periods when most of the settlements listed above were founded .
12 It is compounded by the fact that later in the game Strach also tires and can not pressurise his full-back , or cover Kelly so well .
13 Wood is affected by liquid water in the form of rain , rivers , seas and so on with which it may come into contact but , more importantly , it is affected by the moisture vapour which is always present in the air .
14 The purpose is to allow exploration and explanation of the behaviour of the system or process , for instance : * as the values of its variables are changed , for instance on a " what if ? " basis ; * as the system or process operates through time ; * as it is affected by the incorporation of probabilistic measures of outcome risk and uncertainty .
15 To clarify that we established yesterday that the new settlement will not necessarily be within the Greater York area , as it is defined on the plan on the board .
16 Between these two lies a pycnocline layer , 100–150 m thick , of intermediate temperature , salinity and density , spreading from the continental shelf where it is formed during the freezing of surface ice .
17 It is formed from the dissolution and dissociation of carbon dioxide in water in a reversible reaction :
18 It is the dorsal ganglionic centre of the head ; its nerve-cells are almost entirely association neurons and it is formed by the coalescence of the first three neuromeres in the embryo .
19 It is formed by the light that just fails to get away from the black hole but stays hovering on the edge .
20 When it is expressed by the marriage partner the internal conflict is externalized , sometimes on a daily basis .
21 It is expressed in the otter 's body language .
22 It is expressed in the table below as a percentage of the total holiday cost .
23 This information can be represented in a tree diagram : Such an analysis becomes generative when it is expressed in the form of rules .
24 The grid scheme of city layout with streets crossing one another at right angles and with a uniformity of street width and building design , which became the pattern for the classical world of Greece and Rome and was later adopted in Europe and modern America , was developed in Ionian Greece from the seventh century B.C. ; this street pattern is often referred to as Milesian because it is named after the city of Miletos on the coast of Asia Minor .
25 Originally a Roman colony , legend has it that it takes its name from the first lord of its castle Rufus , Marquis of Obertenghi , who had thick red hair , or , perhaps more romantically , that it is named after the sunset hues which turn the mountain here from a gentle rose to red each evening .
26 It is named after the book by Stoppani , whose portrait is imposed over a map of Italy on the foil packaging .
27 It relatively seldom results in marital breakdown nowadays , even when it is discovered by the partner ; and even the temporary trauma induced by the discovery seems to be less that it was once ( there is no real proof of this , nor in the other direction — I base the comment mainly on people 's expressed attitudes ) .
28 When Newham Members raise the problem with social security Ministers , they are given the official answer that it is caused by the number of Somali refugees .
29 It is caused by the pooling of a large proportion of the circulating red cells by the spleen and is a major cause of infant mortality .
30 To take the problem first : it is caused by the fact that there are literary modes beneath romance and beneath epic or tragedy , i.e. ‘ low mimesis ’ -this being the mode of most novels , in which the hero is much on a level with us — and lower still ‘ irony ’ , where heroes turn into anti-heroes like Sancho Panza or Good Soldier Schweik or Leopold Bloom .
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