Example sentences of "it should [be] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 It should be emphasised that the shape discrimination required is usually much more subtle than could ever be achieved by verbal shape descriptions , and that the heavier tools of mathematics need to be applied .
2 It should be emphasised that the use of the mass media for educational purposes is not a replacement for , it is a complement to face to face discussion and learning .
3 It should be emphasised that the ‘ correctly ’ which is negated by ‘ incorrectly ’ in the above means with linguistic propriety .
4 However , it should be emphasised that the above comparisons gloss over several differences between the studies , and will become quickly outdated as heroin outbreaks emerge in other areas during the second half of the decade and the 1990s .
5 In conclusion , it should be emphasised that the epidemiology of drug use is a science in its infancy , and that the model of the heroin ‘ epidemic ’ briefly presented here contains much ‘ sophisticated guesswork ’ .
6 It should be emphasised that the smallness of the sample and the brief time spent in data collection are not indicative of the priority of the Minor Project in the eyes of the investigators , but merely reflect the limited time available for this aspect of evaluation .
7 However , it should be emphasised that the Family Fellowships exist for the benefit of the family member , regardless of what may be happening to the primary sufferer .
8 It should be emphasised that the data model which we have called the conceptual schema was developed independently of both machine and software considerations .
9 It should be emphasised that the test to be applied in a case such as this is objective : would a reasonable person have been misled ?
10 It should be emphasised that the above is a basic description of nematode life cycles and that there are many variations .
11 It should be emphasised that the Bank only buys eligible money market instruments .
12 It should be understood that the market does not have an actual geographical location , but that the market is the activity which takes place between financial institutions , using the various instruments and facilities to make liquidity adjustments , to maximise returns on money they are holding .
13 It should be noted that the largest threat to totalizing control of schools in Ireland has so far come from the integrated schooling movement .
14 And it should be noted that the actual breaking point for Raskolnikov in the novel is the illness which induces his apocalyptic science-fiction nightmare of germs and Possessed -type madness and destruction , bringing him literally to Sonya 's feet and both of them to ‘ the dawn of a new future , of a full resurrection into a new life ’ which will be the subject of another story .
15 And for good measure , it should be noted that the ECO long ago expressed his own conclusion that settlement in the UK was the intention in this case .
16 It should be noted that the White Park and the British White , although sharing a herdbook for many years , are very separate and distinct breeds ; in fact the true White Park is genetically distant from all British breeds , including the British White .
17 Finally , it should be noted that the development of international banking has resulted in an interchange of ideas and philosophies on banking evolution between banks in various countries .
18 While the United States is not altogether unique in this regard , it should be noted that the rhetoric of the classroom tends to be ‘ progressive and liberal ’ while the practice tends to remain ‘ traditional and conservative ’ .
19 The exact form of Economic and Monetary Union was settled at Maastricht with an ‘ opt-in ’ provision for the UK ; whether ( and , if so , when ) the UK will in fact opt in is an intensively political subject outside the scope of this book , although it should be noted that the CBI favours such a union in principle .
20 It should be noted that the circuit assumes that both contact breakers interrupt the current for an identical proportion of the cycle .
21 It should be noted that the etch-resist is sensitive to ultraviolet light only , and processing indoors in a subdued light should not cause any problems .
22 This drew the immediate and sincere response ( and it should be noted that the South African Rugby Football union comments published in New Zealand have not attempted to side-step the issue ) from Dr Danie Craven that every player who opposed the All Blacks in their five matches in the republic would be cleared of drugs use .
23 It should be noted that the payment under Deed of Covenant will be regarded as a charge on income and will be deducted from the trading profits for corporation tax purposes .
24 In fairness to Tunstall , it should be noted that the 1991/92 accounts were signed on 7 December 1992 , well over a week before the UITF statement on the application of abstracts was published .
25 Where an enterprise is contemplating the recognition of a deferred tax asset that is permitted by paragraph 32A in respect of a provision for pensions or other post-retirement obligations it should be noted that the normal rules regarding the recoverability of assets are applicable . ’
26 It should be noted that the 1970s saw a trend on the part of the ‘ nationals ’ to decentralize their operations by forming autonomous regional organizations and promoting regional brands .
27 It should be noted that the required three-quarters width of 1.6 mm tread pattern grooves should be in a continuous band .
28 ( It should be noted that the word ‘ disgust ’ is being used in both cases with literal force .
29 It should be noted that the study just described did not focus especially on schizophrenia , the kinds of mental illness observed in the individuals surveyed covering a number of diagnostic categories , albeit mostly ones related in one or another to psychosis and probably reflecting a similar underlying disposition .
30 It should be noted that the fact that the client is part of a family network is implicit rather than explicit in this plan of action .
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