Example sentences of "it should [vb infin] [art] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , there was no clear agreement between the professions surveyed as to who should undertake these assessments , although 89 per cent felt that it should involve the health visitor .
2 A new economics is possible , maintains Robertson , which ‘ should be systematically enabling for people ; it should be systematically conserving of resources and environment ; it should treat the world economy as a multi-level one-world system , with autonomous but interdependent parts at all levels . ’
3 This is n't intended as any particular message , but we are now one of the weightiest shares in the F T S E index and be we believe that it should improve the market liquidity of the shares .
4 It should encompass the life style ambitions of the vendor and care should be taken to take into account the views of the vendors immediate family as these are likely to have significant impact .
5 It should help the motor industry and it was always an anomaly because you pay VAT on a car anyway .
6 That it should require a lid painting at all suggests that it can not have been an English instrument or a Ruckers , and , if its shape is drawn as carefully as the presence of an accompanying scale would indicate , the rather blunt double curve of the bentside would suggest one of the Hamburg makers .
7 If the flat only has one entrance/exit ( which it will because it is not on the ground floor ) , it should have a fire escape , or some means of escape over a balcony or roof .
8 An edit is therefore made at the start of each shot , and this means that the record machine should be capable of making clean edits , in other words , that it should have the backspace facility ( see page 35 ) .
9 In theory it should afford a text-book instance of the Executive , in the form of the Home Secretary , bringing before Parliament a set of legislative proposals which have been painstakingly prepared by experienced officials in his Department , normally after testing opinion in advance by way of discussion documents and a White Paper .
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