Example sentences of "it can be seen [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Given its basic anti-absolutist thought that , whether within or without political society , men have a right to life , liberty , and possessions , it can be seen as a kind of picturesque metaphor which , in explaining the structure of legitimate political authority , reveals it to be based in the consent of the governed .
2 But it very soon became clear that any mention of a maximum was unnecessary and , with hindsight , it can be seen as a future source of embarrassment .
3 Consequently , it can be seen as a strategy for improving their social position and ‘ market ’ position , i.e. being able to offer more skills in the labour market in the future .
4 If it is supported by the evidence ( 9 ) , then it can be seen as a contribution to theory ( 10 ) .
5 If this form of ‘ transition ’ becomes simply a retrograde return to passivity , it can be seen as a complete negation of all that the college course sought to encourage :
6 The orientation here was more " collectivist " and it can be seen as a response to socialist challenges to policies based on political economy and philanthropy .
7 On the one hand , it can be seen as a discipline , indeed perhaps the oldest of all disciplines , with its own core of sometimes highly technical activities which are peculiar to it , and the normal organizational manifestations of departments , chairs , courses , degrees , and so on .
8 Design really only takes place from the conception of an idea through to when it can be seen as a fully developed and workable solution .
9 His Omphalos ( 1858 ) was written in the year before the Origin of Species , so it is not a reply to it ; but it can be seen as a reply in anticipation .
10 The very subject matter of ‘ Kubla Khan ’ , Xanadu , is heavily connotated with creativity , since it was to be Kubla 's invention , a mythical city based entirely on his own personal ideas , and to some extent , it can be seen as a product of his own imagination blended with the awesome power which he wields ( needed in order to create such a setting ) .
11 A crucial question to consider about the Glorious Revolution , therefore , is the extent to which it can be seen as a victory for Whig principles .
12 This unidimensionality is imposed on history by a backward projection of present-day standard phonology on to the past , and according to the theory of language standardization that we have tentatively advanced elsewhere ( J. Milroy and L. Milroy , 1985a ) , it can be seen as an attempt to historicize the standard language — to create a past for it and determine a canon , in which canonical forms are argued for and unorthodox forms rejected .
13 This attitude to [ h ] -dropping is , of course , symptomatic of a more general attitude to non-standard English , and it can be seen as an effect of the ‘ standard ideology ’ .
14 As such , it can be seen as an adaptive defence response to adverse conditions .
15 Indeed as I have suggested in Chapter 1 , it can be seen as the business of applied linguistics to do just this .
16 Alternatively it can be seen as the maximum amount the firm can pay for the opportunity of making the investment , without being worse off financially .
17 Alternatively it can be seen as the maximum amount the firm can pay for the opportunity of making the investment , without being worse off financially .
18 It can be seen at the National Gallery from 22 November to 7 February 1993 , and at the Metropolitan Museum from 11 March to 23 May 1993 .
19 In autumn it glows like a beacon , especially if planted where it can be seen with the late sun shining through its leaves .
20 He says that it can be seen for the next week or so in the west , but it 's too faint to be seen with the naked eye .
21 Insofar as it can be seen through the confusion of the Alpine orogenesis , this situation is widespread in the Mediterranean lands .
22 It can be seen from the table that in general if the department is concerned with economic information , it is also concerned with political risks .
23 It can be seen from the dares and sites of his drawings that he was an intrepid walker in regions where the only places of rest were shepherds ' cottages .
24 It can be seen from the table above that the most frequently occurring errors are of the substitution type .
25 It can be seen from the northern parts of Australia and South Africa , but not all of it rises from Sydney or Cape Town , and from Wellington in New Zealand it is never visible at all .
26 : It can be seen from the first of the above tables that the mean coverage given by the second level ( 8% ) is just over half that of the first level ( 14% ) .
27 It can be seen from the above that the Finance Act 1988 regime seeks to tax increases in value arising in management 's ( and indeed employees ' ) shares in Newco after those shares are acquired .
28 In the reception class it can be seen in the first moments of a school day .
29 In sign , it can be seen in the learner 's apparent acknowledgement of comprehension of a statement by the deaf person which the hearing learner in fact has not understood , or it involves an immediate switch of topic by the hearing learner to something in which he feels more competent , without answering the deaf person 's query .
30 The land itself shows your goodness because it can be seen in the trees and their shade .
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