Example sentences of "it can [be] show that the " in BNC.

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1 They will only be challenged if ‘ it can be shown that the proposed referral is wholly unjustified on clinical grounds , or where an alternative referral would be equally efficacious , taking into account the patient 's wishes ’ .
2 Sometimes it can be shown that the tissue not only looks homogeneous , but actually is so , because , if the tissue is cut in half , each half will regulate to give rise to the same pattern as would otherwise have been produced by the whole .
3 The assurance is given that such extra-contractual referrals will go unchallenged by the DHA ‘ unless it can be shown that the proposed referral is wholly unjustified on clinical grounds , or where an alternative referral would be equally efficacious for the patient , taking into account the patient 's wishes ’ .
4 In eastern Drenthe for example , it can be shown that the edge of the marginal plat-form usually corresponds to a line following the maximum thickness of the formation ( Fig. 26 ) .
5 As in previous examples , it can be shown that the approaching waves have an impulsive component if .
6 Taking the Ernst functions as ( 13.3 ) or ( 13.4 ) , it can be shown that the boundary conditions described in Section 7.2 can only be satisfied if and It is then convenient to transform the null coordinates such that and .
7 If permission is refused to a Part I application , no direct compensation is paid , but it may well be possible to compel the local authority to purchase the property compulsorily if it can be shown that the property has no reasonable beneficial use .
8 Although the maths is beyond the scope of this article it can be shown that the output stage would need to consume twice as much power as delivered to the load .
9 Revision mapping of the area south of the Slochd summit has revealed a complex tectonothermal history within the psammitic and semipelitic gneisses of the Central Highland Migmatite Complex ; it can be shown that the metagabbro bodies , described in the 1989/90 Annual Report , were emplaced at a distinct tectonostratigraphical level in the metasedimentary sequence .
10 The fractional-order beam intensities can be written , by analogy with holography , as It can be shown that the first and second terms are actually the squares of amplitudes of scattered waves , and their major components have lower frequencies than do the third and the last terms , and can therefore be suppressed ( refs 8 , 14 ; P.H. and D.A.K. , unpublished results ) .
11 In the unhappy event of litigation , a signed consent form may be disregarded by the courts unless it can be shown that the patient was ‘ given sufficient information , in a way they can understand , about the proposed treatment . ’
12 It can be shown that the way in which the radiant energy is distributed in equilibrium among its various frequencies ( the spectrum , as we say ) is independent of the details of the construction of the cavity .
13 This may suggest that he travelled , but the presence of texts in foreign languages among his songs is by no means conclusive , for in some cases it can be shown that the words are not original .
14 Gesticulating wildly in a crowded space , so that others are frightened that they might be struck by the defendant , is not punishable unless it can be shown that the defendant was at least aware that his conduct might be having such an effect .
15 However , it can be shown that the runaway greenhouse effect , had it acted on an Earth-like quantity of water , can perhaps lead initially to a copious escape of hydrogen with no enhancement of D/ 1 H during this process .
16 It can be shown that the decrease of density with height which occurs in all planetary atmospheres results in the bending of em waves including light .
17 In both cases it can be shown that the saturated areas of the Moon have ages of about 4200 Ma .
18 It is assumed that the Earth is hot enough for its outer regions to have previously been vaporized , in which case it can be shown that the material flung off forms a thin disc of gas as in Figure 6.11 ( b ) .
19 The several hundred Ma delay in the basin impacts after the main phase of accretion can also be explained , because it can be shown that the more massive a body the longer it is likely to survive before being collected by the Moon ( or by the Earth ) .
20 If this has been the case then it can be shown that the Mercurian smooth plains are slightly older than the lunar maria .
21 From graph B it can be shown that the heavily cratered terrain on Mercury extends back to about 4200 Ma , and the intercrater plains would then be older than 4200 Ma .
22 In the case of Mars , if the small bodies had aphelia between Mars and Jupiter then it can be shown that the crater-saturated regions on Mars would be older than 4000 Ma .
23 However , it can be shown that the containment is weakest at the magnetic equator , and the outcome is leakage from the belt beyond about 20 R J .
24 It can be shown that the most general form of W in an elastic body is W = and there are two simple forms of this relation applicable to rubbers ( which are considered to be incompressible at all events in mathematical terms though they are not in the strict sense incompressible physically ) .
25 The idea that one could go right round the universe and end up where one started makes good science fiction , but it does n't have much practical significance , because it can be shown that the universe would recollapse to zero size before one could get round .
26 Using Appendix B it can be shown that the contractions and give equivalent results : the Ricci tensor is thus the unique contraction of the Riemann tensor .
27 If it is assumed that v t and t are normally distributed , it can be shown that the ratio is distributed as an F-variate with g and n - k degrees of freedom , where g is the number of restrictions , n is the number of observations and k is the total number of coefficients being estimated in the unrestricted model .
28 Paragraph 3.14 of the management document , ’ Contracts for Health Service Operational Principles ’ , states : ’ The DHA will not challenge the GP 's choice of provider unless it can be shown that the proposed referral is wholly unjustified on clinical grounds , or where an alternative referral would be equally efficacious for the patient , taking into account the patient 's wishes . ’
29 However , if certain conditions hold , it can be shown that the algorithm is near admissible .
30 Here also however it can be shown that the event see is thought as logically anterior to the event denoted by the infinitive .
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